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HELP! - Yes, you!


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I could use a little (actually a lot) of support on Wiki right now.

Please, whether you register or not, please come post a comment or two supporting the MUG topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Male_Unbifurcated_Garment

If you don't, they WILL delete it.

Yes, everyone, the normal posters, the shy, the lurkers - just stop by and pen a few comments supporting Male Unbifurcating Garments.

Please and thank you!

Your's truly,

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Folks - I've had 18 reviews of this post, and not a single reply to Wiki. You don't have to register. Just go there and respond. PLEASE don't just read this! Take 2 minutes to help educate the grossly ignorant about what's considered normal throughout the rest of the world. Thanks. See the link above.

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While it must be disappointing to see something you've put time and effort into get deleted, I'd never heard of the term MUG either, and the arguments for deletion seem to hinge on the fact that it's not a term in wide enough usage to warrant inclusion. No one seemed to have a problem with the actual concept, just the terminology. Sorry, I just don't feel qualified to get involved on either side. Chris

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Chris - do you, as a man, wear heels?

Then you're qualified.

Read on:

Ok, so I'm a bit of a crusader. Nothing wrong with believing in something enough to be willing to do something about it. At least I'm not a sheep!

Yeah, it's a bit disappointing, as the term really is quite widely used in some circles. I'd be willing to bet far more people are familiar with the MUG acronym than W3C, but the latter remains a long-standing Wiki entry. MUG was eradicated due to lack of interest.

It's about what matters to you, folks. There are still many people who, although they may not cast you a second glance on the street, will diligently write their local, state, and federal legislatures recommending banning of the practice of men wearing heels > 1 inch. Don't laugh - I've had conversations with guys who've done just that.

There's an old quote I'd like to share: "Those who don't fight for what they believe in will loose it." The history of mankind, including recent history, is paved with tens of thousands of examples. What's interesting is that it's usually insidious.

In other words, if people had simply bothered to stay their ground on an issue with a modicum of resistance throughout time, it never would have come to a head.

Because of the lack of resistance, however, one slight rule after another was put into place. Sometimes those rules really did serve the common good. Often, however, they were simply one segment of society's attempt to project their view of the world onto others.

Think about that the next time you think it's not your fight. Perhaps the MUG fight isn't yours, but it's right next to yours, and if you don't stop that fight at the MUG stage, you'll soon be facing it at the "guys who wear heels" stage, and they, with their momentum of having won the MUG stage, will crush you.

Also keep in mind that society does, over time, breathe back and forth between extremely liberal (Romans?) and puritanicalism. It takes an entire planet telling the puritans "Hell no, we won't go!" to get them off their high horse. Any sense of "hey, this isn't my fight," simply lends credence to their tyranny, which ultimately undermines the impetus behind what really is our fight.

So, while MUGs or Fashion Freedom may not be your fight, they're pillars of the same bridges as men wearing heels. If one falls beneath the real police, you can bet your shirt all will.

Don't let it get to that point - don't be a sheep.

Be proactive.

Kneehighs, Firefox (for creating this site), and many others proactively fight not only for men wearing heels, but for anyone, of either sex, wearing anything they'd like. That's Fashion Freedom, a subset is MUGs, Male Unbifurcated Undergarments (skirts, kilts, and about 70 other words for the various styles found throughout the world).

We're in a period slightly past the point of greatest expansion, which I believe was reached just after the turn of the century, but before 9/11. Since then, while I've seen an increasing number of people finally waking up and jumping on the bandwagon, but I've also seen an increasing number of measures to keep things in check, such as the firing of the train driver who chose to wear a kilt to work, and other men who've lost their jobs because their employers deem their attire "inappropriate." Provided it's professional and tasteful, the gender of the person wearing it shouldn't matter.

Please don't take this as simply another rave. I track stats all the time, and they're headed for a collapse in fashion freedom that'll bottom out between 2008 and 2011.

You're the ones who can make a difference, but not if you say, "That's not my issue." Those opposed do not differentiate, as you or I do, with respect to anything beyond their comfort zone.

Everything beyond their comfort zone, whether it's crossdressing, male unbifurcated garments, or men wearing heels is "bad." They lump it all together, and attack all of it, together.

And if you don't think it's happening now, think again. I volunteer for a local government, and we're receiving letters about mean wearing heels, skirts, etc, and there have been discussions about what kinds of proclamations need to be issued to stop this advancement on society!

I've been very subdued, but still vocal for the rights of people to wear whatever they wish, citing such sites supporting the wear of kilts and other MUGs.

Again, folks, it's a very big tide to turn, and while you've made the adjustment, most haven't.

I need your help. We all need one another's help, and that involves more than just posting here on these boards.

Please get involved in places like Wiki. If you don't, no one else will, and you're likely to face laws against men wearing heels higher than x, just as we currently face laws against men and women wearing less than x amount of clothing.

Don't be sheep, people.

Thank you.

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Dr1819: Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, but it seemed to me that nobody was saying "this should be deleted because men shouldn't wear things that look like skirts." Rather it was a case of "this should be deleted because we've never heard the term MUG, and isn't this already covered by the articles on kilts, sarongs etc?" While skirts / MUGs etc aren't my thing, I fully support mens' right to wear them if they so desire, and had it seemed that the people at wikipedia were trying to stamp out that right I'd have been posting right along side you. I just didn't read the situation that way, sorry. I am going to strike my blow for freedom by wearing heels when I go out this Saturday though. Chris

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