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Judging by the number of new enrollments in the last week or two, the HHMP must be doing something right. Welcome to new readers and browsers alike, once you've worn heels, it's like riding a bike. Put fingers to keyboard, heels on your feet, keep an eye on the forum for a local heel-meet.

totter along into history

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Unfortunately a lot of the new members(not all) are just useless spam. I would just love to see the mods delete all unused memberships after say 30 days and inactive ones that haven't made their first promotion after 1 year. Then we could really pull some useful stats from the site.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Okay, Firefox I can understand the inactive accounts based on what you said, but is there any way of having the system automatically delete accounts that have only been spamming or accounts that have not been used after a set period. If people have been reading that's fine by me but why would a person who only reads need an account. I lurked for a good year before I decided to join.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Okay, Firefox I can understand the inactive accounts based on what you said, but is there any way of having the system automatically delete accounts that have only been spamming or accounts that have not been used after a set period. If people have been reading that's fine by me but why would a person who only reads need an account. I lurked for a good year before I decided to join.

Shafted, I go through spurts where I don't feel like posting. I might not even stop by and read. I can't say if it lasts longer than 30 days where I just don't feel like posting or reading. Now I need to stop by x amount of time to keep my account from being deleted if we enact some sort of automatic deletion program? What about people like Bubba? JeffB? ASDF? Anita? Ellen-Jay? (maybe someday she will come back, one can only hope). Sometimes things come up in life that distracts you for a period of time. How nasty is it for the system to delete the account and then they return only to find it removed?

I understand where you are going, but I just don't think you can automate everything, somethings fall into exceptions.

If having the accounts there causes issues, I am sure the admins will address it at that time.


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I understand scotty, but my last post referred to people who have never posted or have posted nothing but spam. Do really really need this?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I agree with you 100% on spam posters! People that never post, I can see your point, I guess no harm, no foul. That would be up to the admins, but you won't get an arguement out of me on that one. Inactive accounts on regulars? That is where I would like to side on being caucious. Even people that say "good bye" in the heat of the moment might change their minds down the road and come back.

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Spam posters can get deleted, but that's pretty ineffective because they can sign straight back up again. Generally a short term ip ban is better. As for those who join and don't post, many of them could be lurkers as has been mentioned. If they do decide to start posting, what better disincentive to continue is there to find that their account has been deleted and they have to sign up again. It sends the message that they don't matter which is not true. We value readers the same as writers. I agree there are many accounts which will never be used, but there's no way of separating them from the lurkers and the latents so sit back, relax and don't worry too much about it :D

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If you look at the Reply/Review statistics on the index pages of the forums, you'll see that there are a tremendous number of "reviews" but not so many "replies. " I take the high number of reviews to be an indicator of high interest in heel wearing. While it would be nice to have more posts relating different experiences and viewpoints, it looks like interest in male heel wearing is strong.


So many shoes and only two feet.

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You only get the "view new posts since last visit" option if you are logged in.

That may explain some of the lurkers who have a user name but never post a message.

It would be fairly easy to remove all the user names where the user has NEVER logged in, or hasn't logged in for several years (I'm talking about logging in, not posting) those are likely to have lost their login details.

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Hallo Firefox, also try to get same kind of mail to old members. When there is a changes of personal e-mail adress in combination with last login and perhaps last posted for years ago you may asume the interesting in this forum has gone. Perhaps a annausment to all members about cleaning up the membership gives al lot of work. But when the message can't delivered (old adres etc) you can skip them. The lazy or only reading members have to responce as well to get a good picture (respons inside a month). All the active members you can see when the have the last post put in (or login) and on there number of posting say more as 100 they feel happy in here and still want to have contact in this forum. In this way there can be a clean-up and perhaps try to spread this job over a couple of monditators or perhaps a few members will help when they have the time. So good luck and keep the high heel feeling A3

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be interested in undertaking the task of getting rid of dead/duplicate/unnecessary accounts. Any account with even one post would remain active. If there are people who sign up and only read, then we can make a thread telling those readers to send a PM to Firefox or whomever requesting their account be held as active. If someone is deleted who decides x months later to return, a look around by them will show that they were merely a casualty of spring cleaning, and are welcome to return and post as before. Doing this is certainly better than having to read through page after page after page ad nauseam of users who signed up in excess of three years ago and have not used the site (last login date info should be available). Anyone who's forgotten about this board for three years has done over 1,000 days worth of activity to replace the idea of being here. I'm all for tidying up a bit around here - it may seem like a thankless task, but in place of not being able to wear heels at the moment, I'd be interested in doing it to feel more involved.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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A forum with good numbers isn't nescasarily a Healthy forum.... Rcmt.net (Radio Controlled Monster Truck forum.. it has over 2500 members but is relatively dead now... mainly due to... 1.) required membership... 2.) EasyBoard... 3.) members getting bored with their new "toys", loss of interest etc. etc. I use the Word "toys" lightly - some of their "Toys" some are worth over $1800 US! later, TXT-1

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