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We were just admiring your boots


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"We were just admiring your boots," said the seated woman in a VFW hall, during a dance party. "How can you walk in them?"

The boots in question were my Nine West "Koolbreeze," 4" stiletto heel, knee high hoochie boots, worn with my jeans tucked inside.

My answer to the query was, "Very carefully, these are new."

This gentle inquiry was the only comment about my boots last night, although I got lots of long looks. Cindi wore her black Connie 4" stiletto boots, too. This was during an excursion north of town, at a new place with a different dance crowd. Cindi and I danced to old time, country, rock, and disco songs, as well as ballads. We took a hotel room nearby, enjoyed several meals at nice restaurants, and also went to a fantastic Christmas flower show.

I wore boots everywhere we went, but wore the stilettos only at the dance. In a new geographic area, my boots were accepted without criticism. One old coot was staring me down, albeit silently.

I had a minor panic attack, after losing a silver earring at the dance, but found it in the car.

After all that fun, we returned to our homes this afternoon.

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Just goes to show you that for the most part we are living in a world ripe for acceptance, even though we're still somewhat of an oddity.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Cindi seems to prefer that I be the one who attracts attention, when we go out in public. She takes notice of reaction to my boots and attire, but does not want such attention for herself. When we go out, she is content to be my sidekick, and let me be the show. At the last dance, though, there was other entertainment. While at the most recent dance party, we took notice of several couples who were skilled and experienced dancers. These were couples characterized by fast, and almost violent, spinning and turning on the dance floor, with the men cracking the whip and spinning their women like tops. They put on quite an exposition of fast, precision dance movement. Cindi overheard conversation between one such couple, as the high heeled woman babbled and droned on endlessly, until her tall and rangy partner returned her to the dance floor, and recommenced tossing her about like a rag doll. At one point she slipped in her heels, losing her balance, and almost fell. The man rescued her from disaster, and continued throwing her round and round. As Cindi described it, this was almost a dance of anger, the man releasing his tension by rough physical play with his partner, almost like cat and mouse. By contast, Cindi and I danced rather more calmly and gently, our movements those of vertical lovers, stepping more softly in our stiletto heels. We are not skilled dancers, but lovers who dance, in high heeled boots. Cindi will allow me to spin her, though not too fast, nor too often. She easily becomes dizzied, and prefers a dance of close, high heeled embrace. We do enjoy our dancing in heels, those movements known to both of us, as our foreplay, the prelude to the later horizontal tango, that we love so much.

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luxxyheels Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:48 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know, I'm really starting to hate you guys who can fit into these designer shoes. ===================================== Yeah, in the Nine West, I usually take a size 9, and they are a glove-tight fit when new, that breaks in for perfect comfort.

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Thanks for rubbing it in :D.

Hay no problem, they have it in my size as well, a size 12!! :wink:

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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A lot of professional ballroom dancing is what I call Flash and Dash. Very quick, stylized movement, spins, turns, sometimes splits, but very quick. It is not really couples dancing, more two people doing their own thing with each other. It's for show, not for fun. I have a (one of many) problem in dancing that I tend to sag down rather than staying on tiptoe in some steps. Mostly just practice and awareness. My new dance partner and instructor said, today, "We need to get you some high heels so you will stay on your toes." I didn't say a thing. Little does she know.

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