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Heels for Men Calendar


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Ok, just thought I would create a new thread to discuss the ideas.

You can get caught up in this thread.

Thoughts, additional idea?


Hi Scotty, a crazy idea but why not? In my opinion the marketing is the biggest problem. Selling this calendar only in esoteric circles like our forum couldn't be sufficient to finance the printing costs.

I'm convinced that the pictures aren't the problem. You will get them guaranteed gratis from all of us! I would be proud if I should find me on high heels in a calendar ;) And I'm ready to do a little propaganda in German forums.


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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No, go read the thread!!!!!! We use this as a way to get on tv, a talk show like Regis and Kelly. Promote the calendar with proceeds going to charity! All the models from the calendar could be there. Even goat Regis into doning a pair of heels and strutting across the stage with Kelly charging the crowd to cheer! Scotty

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Also, I am afraid I am only the ideas guy. We would need a photographer, sponser, models, etc. I think we could convince members here to chip in some $$ (not alot, how much do you think we need?). Maybe we could get either Dr Shoe to sponser the calender (maybe promote a new Heels for Men line??) or if not him, would there be another shoe maker willing to sponser such a thing? With all the other things to hit it big, Extreme Makeover, Queer Eye, etc, this could be the start of something big. Who knows? Scotty

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Also, I am afraid I am only the ideas guy. We would need a photographer, sponser, models, etc. I think we could convince members here to chip in some $$ (not alot, how much do you think we need?).

Maybe we could get either Dr Shoe to sponser the calender (maybe promote a new Heels for Men line??) or if not him, would there be another shoe maker willing to sponser such a thing?

With all the other things to hit it big, Extreme Makeover, Queer Eye, etc, this could be the start of something big. Who knows?


Scotty, now I have become very sceptical. Aren't you driving a too big (w)heel?

I read your thread. I don't like to appear as "exotic guy" in a commercial TV show. I don't know "Regis and Kelly" but I'm almost sure that its the same bullshit like "Oliver Geissen's Talk Show" from RTL. A big commercial TV station in Germany rsp. middle Europe. They don't respect people. Much more they use individual characters or encouraged persons for sensationalism or as eyecatcher. Not with me. My advice: forget it!

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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Micha, I have no idea who Oliver Geissen is, or his talk show, but my intention isn't fake or insincere. Regis and Kelly always have on "The Big Thing" to promote whatever. Sure they have fun, but it isn't to make fun of the person (atleast I have never taken it that way). I guess you could call it "Bubblegum" TV (if that is a phrase) as it isn't serious "News" but more light hearted entertaining news. For example, I am positive they probably had the Queer Eye people on and probably had laughs but also probably asked them seriously about their tv show and what all it takes to put it together, etc. The only reason I am saying to go a route like this is like you said, just makng a calendar and selling it to members here won't go anywhere. Instead, get a shoe maker to sponser it, donate the proceeds to charity and get on tv shows LIKE Regis and Kelly....now your talking getting the idea out to the masses in a FUN light hearted way, where their guard will be down and probably more of a "Hey yeah, that isn't so bad" way. Scotty

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The Pirelli Tire Company did girly calendars for years and did an ad of Carl Lewis in heels, but didn't put Lewis in heels in any of those calendars.

Somehow, I don't think any of us guys are gonna look as good in heels as those Pirelli girls. <grin>

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I have no idea who Oliver Geissen is, or his talk show, but my intention isn't fake or insincere. Regis and Kelly always have on "The Big Thing" to promote whatever. Sure they have fun, but it isn't to make fun of the person (atleast I have never taken it that way). I guess you could call it "Bubblegum" TV (if that is a phrase) as it isn't serious "News" but more light hearted entertaining news. For example, I am positive they probably had the Queer Eye people on and probably had laughs but also probably asked them seriously about their tv show and what all it takes to put it together, etc.

The only reason I am saying to go a route like this is like you said, just makng a calendar and selling it to members here won't go anywhere. Instead, get a shoe maker to sponser it, donate the proceeds to charity and get on tv shows LIKE Regis and Kelly....now your talking getting the idea out to the masses in a FUN light hearted way, where their guard will be down and probably more of a "Hey yeah, that isn't so bad" way.


He he, the last problem in our globalized world (*grin*). You aren't able to see european stations and thats valid vice versa for us.

Nevertheless, I'm not ready to present me as canon-fodder for commercial tv stations. Not that I'm afraid to present me frankly on heels in public. I'm doing it daily. It's my deep distrust to commercial tv stations and the fear to be pulled down on their low intellectual level. My fear to be confrontated with the stupidest turkish guy of Germany, who has never learned how to discuss. Insulting me as faggot, pansey etc. It's sufficient to make this experience sometimes on the street. I'm not interested in such exchanges of blows. Even if I'm sure that I would win the fight by far in spite of my crazy outfit. But that's exactly the style of "Oliver Geissen's Talkshow" in RTL and that's not my thing.

micha (*now editing the third time*)

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I would volunteer. But hey, why not make it a downloadable, or marketed with a CD, with either flash or avi videos of men confidently walking in them, included? Makes the idea a lot more belivable, rather than just a few stills (anybody can POSE in high heels, after all).

"All that you can decide, is what to do with the time that is given you."--Gandalf,

"Life is not tried, it is merely survived

-If you're standing outside the fire."--Garth Brooks

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Ok, first of all, I have no way of doing a calendar myself, money wise or supply wise, etc. This is all just some crazy idea I rolled around and developed today, but I do think it could work. Calendar, CD, DvD, website, whatever. That isn't the important thing.

What I am thinking of is CLASSY shots, not cheesy (for example, anyone remember those pics of a man and a women in heels in the mall after hours??). I am thinking maybe couples, nice coordinated outfits, matching shoes or boots, etc. SHOW how a man with a coordinated look could look very sharp in heels (JeffB, where are you?)

My IDEA would be to do something that would be widely marketable with some kind of charity cause attached to get national exposure. If we could get a shoe manufactor (Dr Shoe?) to sponser it, then the ad capacity would be enormous! (plus they would probably start making larger sizes, etc).

Now, the biggest part like I said would be to get national exposure. I only mentioned Regis and Kelly cause ALOT of housewives WATCH Regis and if HE likes something, then others probably would to! And Regis is a nice and classy guy, he wouldn't put someone on to just cut them down. He is typically genuine and open to new ideas. I think I have seen Kelly in heels whenever I watched so I am SURE she would be open to it too!

Now, let's all kick around ideas, suggestions, how we could get sponsers, etc, etc, etc. Ever since I have started here we have always said, how can we get the masses to accept this? Well guys, here is a golden idea. Who is with me in brainstorming the idea?


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Nevertheless, I'm not ready to present me as canon-fodder for commercial tv stations. Not that I'm afraid to present me frankly on heels in public. I'm doing it daily. It's my deep distrust to commercial tv stations and the fear to be pulled down on their low intellectual level. My fear to be confrontated with the stupidest turkish guy of Germany, who has never learned how to discuss. Insulting me as faggot, pansey etc. It's sufficient to make this experience sometimes on the street. I'm not interested in such exchanges of blows. Even if I'm sure that I would win the fight by far in spite of my crazy outfit. But that's exactly the style of "Oliver Geissen's Talkshow" in RTL and that's not my thing.

micha (*now editing the third time*)

When I was a child, my father and I were walking along the bank of a fast, deep river with lots of swirls and eddies. At the time I was learning to swim and I asked my dad, a good swimmer, if he could swim in that river. He said it was too dangerous and added, 'water is a good servant, but a bad master'.

He also said that fire is the same, it can heat the room and cook your food, but if you let it get out of control it can burn your house down.

I would also add, in modern context, 'the media are a good servant, but a bad master'.


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All, Look, this is just a crazy idea that hit me yesterday. I have no means of making it happen any more than alot of you. It would take alot of work and commitment and yes it would be a risk on some level. But aren't we always complaining in "when will society wake and see men wearing heels is not a bad thing?". Well, here is one idea to make that dream a reality. Sure it needs polish, that is why I asked we kick the idea around instead of immediately shooting it down. I've done all I can at this point. I put the idea out there and spelled out ways I thought it might work. I ask you all to help polish the idea and see where it goes. If you all want to shoot it down and let it die, fine, I have no real steak in this other than to see heels for men accepted or atleast tolerated. HOWEVER, those shooting it down, please never again use the phrase "when will society accept men in heels". You can't gain a thing unless you are willing to take some risks. Scotty

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Hey sscotty, I'm game, but the logistics of doing this over the internet could be problematic. I would love to have my picture in heels gracing a calendar. Short term we should concentrate on producing a calendar that shoe retailers could, sell online or in their stores, and only think about TV spots long term, unless they contact us first. We really need to learn to walk before we can run. I agree that Regis and Kelly would very likely give us a fair shake.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I would love to see if the people at Silhouette would be interested in sponsoring such an endeavour, or at least handle the cost of printing and distribution. I would be happy to absorb the cost of having professionally shot photos of me in heels taken.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I would love to see if the people at Silhouette would be interested in sponsoring such an endeavour, or at least handle the cost of printing and distribution. I would be happy to absorb the cost of having professionally shot photos of me in heels taken.


Excellent Idea!!! Did you want to take the lead to write them and see? I have a letter I wrote Steve Madden about making shoes for men that you can use as a starting point. It's posted in this thread


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I think a calendar is a good idea. Why not take a grass roots approach. We could make a calendar using Micosoft Word. We did one for our yacht club that way. It can be downloaded at no cost to all of us on this forum and anyone else interested. The cost is minimal, it would give some exposure. It could be e-mailed to people like Regis and Kelly.

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Excellent Idea!!! Did you want to take the lead to write them and see? I have a letter I wrote Steve Madden about making shoes for men that you can use as a starting point. It's posted in this thread


With the schedule I've been keeping lately I'm afraid I have to decline. I haven't even done any serious posting here since Sunday.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thanks ok Shafted. To be honest, I think we still need to kick the around more and discuss things before we are ready to start contacting anyone. It is still in the preliminary idea phase. If you have any ideas though, please feel free to join in. Scotty

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I agree that anyone promoting anything should make a concerted effort to use publicity, to get media exposure, to get "famous" to some degree. We do live in a celebrity and fame dominated culture. I don't know of a more powerful marketing force than celebrity status. Thus, I agree that a segment on Regis and Kelly would help and that they would approach the fashion concept of men in heels with an open mind.

I do wonder who would be your primary target consumer and I also wonder why someone would pick a calendar of men in heels over any other calendar (that also donates proceeds to charity)? Someone who lives in the middle of the Mojave desert is a poor prospect for a yacht and I surely wouldn't try to sell life insurance to a 90 year old man. So from the same line of thinking, who is your intended target consumer?

I'm not at all saying that the calendar idea couldn't work either. Who would I be to tell you what you can't succeed at??? The experts in the amusement park business laughed Walt Disney out of a meeting room. Among other things the told him the idea of having a park with just one entrance was the dumbest idea in the country. Researchers at 3M were trying to improve the permanency of adhesive tape in the late 60's and wound up creating a semi-sticky adhesive tape instead. And from this semi-sticky adhesive, Post-It-Notes were created.

As a side note, I've often wondered about promoting the reality of men in heels beyond the limitations of the internet and came up with an interesting parallel. Suppose I sold Home Security Systems for a living. My goal would be to position myself in clients minds as the EXPERT so that they would seek me. That way I'm not just another sales person. So one way I could do that is to write a book. Hmmm, "Thieves: 10 secrets for choosing the homes and families they attack." Then I could spinoff a column "Secrets to crimestopping" in a local paper. Just the newspaper column or book alone would generate business. Then I could use that newspaper column to get onto some radio or TV talk shows. I'd constantly monitor the news for NEW reasons to be a repeat talk radio guest...In other words, a book or newspaper column could be the basis for getting on radio or tv talk shows--possibly even for men in heels. But thats another brainstorm all together.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Hey Kneehighs, The calendar idea started as an offhanded joke to Hoverfly in another thread. As everyone started to talk back and forth, the idea was "why not?" and it kinda took off from there. As I stated before, I have absolutely zero resources or ways to make it happen, but just liked the idea as a concept. If not a calendar, then what? My main push would be to get the idea and pictures of men in heels tastefully vs men in heels in drag as the way most society sees or thinks of men in heels. Whenever you see it in a movie or on tv, its either a cross dresser blantely done wrong OR a man trying to disguise himself as a woman and stumbling in heels. We need to fix that perception of men in heels so they see men do wear them, tastefully dressed and are able to navigate proper without being "girly". That is my thrust for the calendar. The extravent display on shows like Regis would be just so we could push the idea kinda like the "Queer Eye" "Extreme Make Over" and the likes. Thanks for your brainstoming idea. The more we talk things through, the more we can decide what is and what isn't possible. Scotty

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Kneehighs:-) Sscotty727:-) The way I look at the whole situation is that we need someone who is a member of the HH Place Forum and also is quite successful making his/her living in marketing to be able to get this thing off of the ground and be able to successfully push this thing along. Someone with the know-how to develop, guide and be familiar in how to market this for us. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Hey Guys, I agree. The one idea I had was to combine the calendar as a "marketing" gimic for a "Heels for Men" like of shoes. The reason why I was thinking proceeds going to charity is that always makes the "feel good story" that talk shows love (plus why not? let some money go to a good cause). The only person I know here that is even close to running a line of shoes would be Dr Shoe, unless someone can convince one of the other makers to start a men's heel line. I already did write Steve Madden on that (still yet to hear back) but if anyone else wants to try to push other makers on that, that would be great too. I agree with Dawn, we need this to be all professional and not so much amateurish. Of course the guys on the calendar should wear heels in their daily life and be able to pull off looking good in them as well as walking in them. I would not like the idea of just grabbing paid models to wear the heels for a calendar (who would believe they even wear them?). A few of the members I can think of off hand here is of course JeffB, Firefox, maybe even Dr Shoe (I am sure there are others but we discuss and maybe even "vote" on them if and when this ever takes off). Anyway, that is my thoughts on the subject. Again, please post yours as I would like to keep talking about this to keep it fresh. Scotty

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