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I thank the few people who sent me business during this last year. I have to say with some difficulty that I won't solicit any new business I have to go on dialysis again after 12 years of a transplant kidney. I ended up having 3 succesive infections and phnemonia and bascially really sick. I am only 50 and have been in this business for along time. I intend to stay as long as I can, but I should limit my abilities to my local customers during this time. I hope I can get a new kidney, but it takes time. I can still answer questions when I have time. If you are a usa customer, I can maybe try to help you find a place if you don't know a repair shop. this poem kinda decribes my enthusiasm to get to work each day :wink: Left foot, left foot, right foot, right; feet in the morning and feet at night ... In the house and on the street, how many different feet you meet. "Dr Suess"


Wow, that's tough, hart88. So sorry to learn of your health problems. We all wish you well and continue to depend upon you for guidance and advice about shoe repairs and modifications. You'll never know how much we appreciate your expertise, Thank you for all you've done for the members of this forum. Take care and easy does it. Stay in touch. :wink:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Hart88:-) Best wishes to you and here's hoping you can overcome your health problems...from Mickey68 and myself. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!


hey, just because Hart88 isn't able to "man his shop" doesn't mean he can't parcel out advice over the internet -- or have a radio talk/call in show while he's recovering, for that fact, does it? ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Tuesday was the worst day (my first day back), but surprisingly the rest of the week much better than expected. I am still behind on work that was waiting for me to get back, but I am optimistic that I should be able to do the job. I may have to swollow some pride, and say no to work that I might get easily worked up about, but normal work should be okay. (compared to the people in Lousiana and Texas, I might have gotten away with quite a bit less inconvenience than they...so I shouldn't complain too loudly!)


Hart88:-) Just take your time on catching up on your work. As you begin to feel better, you'll get your speed back eventually. Good luck and hang in there. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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