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Hurricane Katrina: Did Danielle get out?


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Hey Dawn, have you seen the latest news reports out of NO? Reports of the corruption in the city government and police department? They've really got FEMA officials concerned about the possibility of misspending all of the billions of dollars US taxpayers are sending to the area.

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Bubba136:-) Yes...I have seen those articles. Talk about corruption. Now they are going after the police department. They are susposed to be protecting your things, not looting them. And if there is any way of pocketing some ill-gained funds, someone will figure it out and get away with it. It seems like only the crooked people get any where these days and it doesn't bother their conscience a bit. I would never be successful in politics as I am too d****d honest. But that was the way I was brought up. Cheers--- Dawn HH

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