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hh book reviews


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There are lots of books out there on heels. I thought a new topic, reviewing them would be a good idea.

I saw a brief review in The Independent a while back and ordered this book through interlibrary loan (cost me £1.85).

Stiletto by Caroline Cox Mitchell Beasley. ISBN 1 84000 906 3

The Independent described this book as ideal for heel addicts, a review of the stiletto heel from it's inception to the present day. At a price of £30 I wasn't going to buy it on the basis of this description alone. Yes, as a 'Coffee Table' volume it has a place, but, for the price IMHO, it aint worth it.

As I half expected, there was a load of psychobabble regurgitated from previous authors (the bibliography is impressive), together with a good selection of quality heely pictures. I think the research might have been carried out a little more carefully, for example 'Paula Sanchez' from 'John Willie's Bizarre' is quoted as an authoritative source. It's a pity that Ms Cox failed to notice that Paula Sanchez has a mighty strange writing style for a woman, but a remarkably similar style to, funnily enough, John Willie's editorial spot !

OK, guys in the UK, if you want to borrow the copy from the library, I know of at least one in the UK ..... if your librarian hums and hahs, tell them that Larkhill library, Queen's Drive, Liverpool, has one.


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I read my fill in half an hour at Waterstone's Bookshop. Generally not worth 1/10 of the cover price. Some nice photos, but nothing you can't find for free on the net. Text was rubbish and mostly reworked from other sources. All in all, not worth buying, but OK for a quick browse.

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You never know, you might like it! I think I remember one bit which says the only men who wear high heels are drag queens. The writer obviously knows nothing about the subject, probably lifting the paragraph from some other text and reworking it to make up the wordage.

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