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Loose slingback stories


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Natalie worked an office job as a secratary to the regional manager of a chain of real estate business. She had to wear business attire which included a pair of high heeled shoes. There was nothing else other than that in regards to certain types of shoes, so Natalie indulged in wearing pumps, pointy toed slingbacks, d'orsays and classy strappy high heeled sandals. She loved slingbacks however she always seemed to loose her right strap if they were not done up tight enough. She usually wore her new slings around her appartment first to find out how a strap would react and adjusted it accordingly. Natalie had just bought a beautiful and classy pair of 3 1/2 inch strappy sandals. They had a strap at the front over the toes and a crossover strap just behind that. One last strap came from the inside of the foot and wrapped around the heel and finished as the sling on the inside of the foot again. When Natalie tried them on in her appartment to get used to the tightness she needed to adjust the sling to she found her right strap slipped at first when she had the buckle adjusted on the third hole. It took a while to slip though so she figured she only needed to adjust it to the fourth hole. Her left strap didn't fall but wasn't too tight, nice and free and comfortable. Natalie adjusted the right strap to the fourth hole next time she went to work. The sandals felt great, they were nice and light and kept her feet cool. They looked fantastic with her black business dress and white blouse. The backstraps were good, the right strap had stayed in place and they were not too tight and allowed her foot plenty of room to move. Her heel made a light slapping sound on the shoe as she walked. Natalie decided to wear the sandals for a second day on a row. Up until lunchit was business as usual. Natalie took her luch break at 1:00 and headed down the elevator to the ground floor of her highrise and off to a cafe she normally had lunch at. After lunch, about halfway back to her building she noticed her right strap seemed to stretch a little after a step. After another 5 steps she immediately realised her strap was beginning to slip. She thought oh no! How would her fellow workers react to her walking around with a strap loose! How embarrassing! She stopped at a toilet block and went in and took off her right sandal, so no one saw her take her sandal off. The strap had worked its way down to about an inch from the bottom of her heel. She adjusted her buckle to the fifth and final hole and slipped back into her sandal and yanked the backstrap up as high as she could. This seemed to work for the next couple of minutes, too her relief. However, just as she walked into the foyer ofher ofice building the strap seemed to stretch again. "No!" she thought to herself, she really loved these shoes but she didn't know what her boss might think of it all. It was slipping on the last buckle, so there was nothing else she could do. By the time she reached the elevator the strap was halfway down. When she got inside she lifted her leg behind her and the strap up as high as she could. When the elevator reached her floor she walked out and into her office and immediately the strap began to ever so slowly slide down her heel. Before she walked into her boss's office area she again lifted the strap, embarrassed to let anyone see. The boss told her she had to meet a client down in the foyer area and escort him up into his office. "Great,"she thought, she had nowhere to hide it now, "I can't well go picking up the strap in front of this important client!" She dreaded the looks she would get from everyone when it was so obviously lower than the strap on her other foot, and when it would be clinging ever so tenderly to the bottom of her heel, and when it had fallen all the way and made her sandal so loose and floppy. How everyone knew something was wrong with her shoes because the left strap was fixed. She wanted to stay in her office for the rest of the day where she could sit down and nobody would see the strap under her desk. Anyway, she headed off down to elevator to go down to the foyer and squirmed as she felt the right strap once again squeeze its way down with every wiggle and movement of her foot. Once again she was alone in the elevator and she lifted her strap back up. Surely she would loose the strap whilst walking with the client back up to the office. She tried not to move her feet on the way down. As she walked out the strap seemed to slip even quicker, it was getting more and more stretched with every step. She was to stand in a certain place, near a water feature in the foyer and greet the client, who she knew briefly from a previous encounter. She had to walk 25 meters to this spot and in that space the strap had wiggled down to an inch above her heel once more. She took a look around and then, as indiscretely as she could, lifted her leg underneath her behind and quickly whipped the strap back up. Because of the quickness of the pull she could only manage to get it back halfway up. As she stop there she tried to kick it back up with the sole of her left sandal. "Damn this strap", she though. She got it back up to a reasonable height, although ti seemed slightly lopsided. The client then appeared and she took a nervous swallow and cheerfully greeted him and they headed off towards the elevator. She 'distracted' him by conversing in small talk on the way to the elevator and inside. As they walked out of it and into the office area on her floor she felt her strap cling to the bottom of her heel, maybe half and inch from the bottom of her heel. It ever so slowly slipped with the next 10 or so steps and halfway to her bosses office the strap fell off and her sandal slapped loudly with the next step. The client looked down at her feet, Natalie pretended not to notice. She once again squirmed on the inside as she strided across the office area with the left sandal secured beautifully to her foot by the wonderful sandal, and her right sandal slapping loudly and jiggling around loosely on her foot. People were looking at her right shoe, with the slingback strap squashed firmly down under her heel and her other straps offering little resistance to the slap of the sandal on her foot. She reached the bosses office and escorted the client in. The boss started chatting to her and she stood there until he finished talking to her. It was then she felt a tinge of sexiness about her shoe, as if she was being nauhty standing there in front of her boss with one strap up and the other crushed under the weight of her heel. She still felt embarrassed and when dismissed she briskly shuffled out to avoid the loud slap and into her office. As soon as she got in there a workmate called Stacey came to her door and caught Natalie looking down at her fallen strap, contemplating what to do. She needed some paperwork. She sensed Natalie's suprise and coyness about her loose strap and said, "I hate it when that happens, but don't worry about it, no one cares, most people think its kinda sexy anyway...", Natalie smiled sheepishly, "and the other half don't worry that you have a problem with your shoe." Natalie replied, "I was embarrassed in front of Greg (her boss)I didn't want him to see me untidy like that." Stacey said "Oh he doesn't care, remember that pair of pointy toed slings I wore to work a couple of moths ago?", "Yes," replied Natalie, "Well you saw how much trouble I had with the straps, I was pulling the straps up every 5 steps! Anyway, Greg saw me with both straps trodden down and caught me pulling them up and laughed and said 'shoe problems?', I said yes and he laughed and said don't worry. So don't worry about him." Natalie felt better, she joked that they should both wear their shoes with loose straps on the same day and see what happens! picked up her strap when Stacey left the room. After it fell downone more time Natalie left her strap down as she walked around the office for the rest of the day. She loved these shoes so much, she wasn't going to give up on them. On her way home and to the carpark she left the right strap down and didn't bother to pick it up, it would just feebly cling to her heel and fall down and be a waste of effort. The shoe flopped magnificently and slapped loudly, everyone watched her feet as she walked past. The sandal bobbled so wonderfully loosely. Natalie decided to wear the sandals the next day and her right strap fell 10 steps after she got out of her car. She left the strap down all day long and let it slap. It felt so free to wear a sling like that and not worry about the embarrassment, everyone knew something was wrong with her shoe and after yesterdaythey could get over it, she thought. She adored the look of these shoes on her feet and a loose sling wasn't going to get in the way of it!

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A week after Natalie had first discovered she couldn't keep up her right sling on her new pair of strappy sandals she decided to act on her joking suggestion to workmate Stacey that they both wear their loose slingbacks to work. Stacey usually wore mules to work because every pair of slingbacks she owned would slip down her heel. She could never keep any of them up. Natalie met Stacey outside a coffee shop before work. Natalie wore her strappy slingback sandals and Stacey wore the pair of pointy toed slings she had told Natalie about. They were black kitten heeled slings, with small 1 and 1/2 inch heel and a long backstrap. When Natalie saw Stacey both of her straps were under her heels. They chatted over a coffee and then when it was time, headed off to work. As they left Stacey pulled up both her straps and told Natalie "They never stay up, they'll slip off after a few steps." Natalie watched and after 4 steps both straps were under Stacey's heels again. They were very stretched and flapped loosely under her heels when she walked. Her shoe made a loud slap after every step. People were looking at her as she walked along. Meanwhile Natalie's right strap was slipping and soon fell off the bottom of her heel. Now everyone was looking, two women walking along with loose backstraps and their shoes slapping loudly. At least Natalie's left strap was up. As the two girls walked into their office building Natalie stopped dead in her tracks and flicked her leg up behind her and replaced her backstrap. Stacey left her slings down under her heels. In the elevator they shared the space with two businessmen in immaculate suits. Stacey, standing in front of them, lifted both her straps right in front of them, and smiled at Natalie. They knew their eyes were probably popping out of their sockets! Out of the eevator and after 5 seconds Stacey's slings started to slap again. She stopped at her desk and replaced her straps. Natalie turned to her office area with her right strap clinging to the very bottom of her heel. She leaned over her desk to pick up some paperwork, extending her right leg outwards. As she did this the strap slowly and delicately fell under her heel. Her foot was arched up in the air and the sandal was planted to the ground with the strap laying ontop of it. turned around and her boss, Greg, was standing at the door. Natalie was a bit shocked and said "Oh, sorry" as she flicked her leg up sideways and lifted her strap. "Oh, no problems" said Greg, "Just came to tell you I would like you to visit the Surfers Paradise agencey today to pick up some files, around 10:00." Stacey gulped, it was all right wearing her loose sling around the office, but at one of the subordinate agencies! What would they do? She put the idea out of her mind, it was 2 hours away. As she walkaround the office space she saw Stacey several times slapping along in her loose slings. She must have pulled them up one time as she saw her with both straps very low and then walk out of her slings on one occassion. She also dangled one of them as she sat down and then after putting her feet on the floor, lifted the sling by kicking it up with her opposite foot. 10:00 arrived and Natalie headed off to the Surfers agency to pick up the files. Around the corner from the building she lifted her strap as it had almost worked its way down. A man walked past and she caught him glancing down at her feet. Before walking up the steps into the building she lifted the halfway down strap up. It was preventing the inevitable. Three steps up the stairs and it went, all the way down in three steps. As Natalie walked into the agency her shoe slapped loudly with each step. The secretary at the front desk looked up almost immediately. Natalie asked for Michael, head salesman. The secretary went off find him, Natalie replaced her strap again. She didn't want Michael to think she always wore them like this, at least if they were up and fell down he would know she didn't intend them to be that way. Michael came out and escorted her to his office to get the files. Again three steps into her stride and the right strap was gone again. Slap, slap, slap, slap went her hopelessly loose right sandal. As she stepped in the office Natalie lost her sandal off her foot. She walked out of it and nearly tripped thorugh the door. "Oh my God! I am so sorry!" she said. "Oh thats ok, are you ok?" said Michael, "Yes I am, I'm sorry but this damn shoe wont stay on today, my strap won't stay up." said Natalie, desperatley explaining her situation, whilst she shuffled her foot back in her sandal and lifted her strap. She sat down briefly and crossed her right leg over her left and Michael searched for the files. She could feel the strap slipping slighlty with the angle her foot was leaning at and with every minute wiggle. She swapped her leg over so that her loose sandal was planted on the floor where it can't move. Michael found the files and handed them to Natalie. She got up and lost her strap one step into her stride, because her strap had worked its way down as she was sitting. She stopped and lifted her strap, nearly overbalancing as she was holding a handful of files. She turned around and saw Michael looking through his glass door. He smiled and turned away. Natalie felt a little helpless, she looked so messy she thought. Before she crossed the road to her car she lifted her strap again so she didn't lose her shoe on the road. By the time she was across the other side of the street it was down. Back in her own office she just left her slingback down. On the way home with Stacey she decided to take her left sling off and just slap along as if they were slides. Both women walked along making so much noise. And once again everyone was looking.

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There was a woman named Jaide who worked in a travel shop in Surfers Paradise. She always wore stylish high heeled shoes. She loved pointy toed shoes. She had many pairs of pointy toed pumps, mules and slings. She had been wearing this pair of pointy toed slingbacks for quite some time. They were a 4 inch stilletto heel and had a small pointy toed area which showed some toe cleavage. The slingback strap originated from the pointy toed part of the shoe and a vertical strap three quarters of the way up the foot hooked onto the slingback strap to keep it stable. Her slings were very secure and had never slipped, unlike many other pairs of slings she had owned.Jaide wore theses shoes all the time and had actually worn them for nearly all of the past week as it had been hot and she liked the freedom of the sling on her foot as opposed to a pump. On this particular day it was rainy and Jaide had to run through the rain as she had not packed an umbrella in the morning because the weather seemed fine. On Jaide's lunch break the rain poored down. She had to cross the road to reach a place to eat. She sprinted across the road however as she jumped up over the gutter and onto the footpath the vertical strap holding onto her slingback on the inside of her left foot snapped off. Immediately as she took the next two or three steadying steps the slingback sagged on the inside of her foot. Damn it she thought. She had to keep running through the rain to cover and whilst she did the sling fell to the inside of her left foot and eventually it dragged the whole sling down and off her heel. This happened with about four steps to shelter and as she ran the shoe slapped unbelievably and then she ran out of her heel. It spun off back into the rain. Jaide was so embarrassed and ran out with one heel on her foot to retrieve the lost slingback lying in the rain. Her left foot was now all wet but she slipped back into her heel and pulled her backstrap back up. As soon as she walked the left sling fell to the inside of her foot. It was lopsided, if you looked at her foot from the outside it looked as if her sling was up, if you looked at it from the inside it looked down, and if you saw her sling from behind it crossed diagonally, ending up hooking under her heel on the inside of the foot. The strap was done up tightly so it took a while to fall and the vertical strap on the outside of her foot kept it from falling too quickly. However it eventually slipped too far under the inside of her heel to stay up and she slapped along. As she slapped along as if it was a slide the part of the strap on the outside of her foot sat above the heel of her foot and the rest under her heel. Whenever she stopped she pulled her strap back up again but it always leaned inwards and eventually slid off. When she got back into the office her left shoe was all wet and the strap was down and it slapped even louder than usual. Her wet foot would arch out of the shoe higher than it normally would if she walked on her slings. As soon as she stopped she pulled her strap up again and for the rest of the day shuffled her left leg around the office and on her way to her car when she had to walk, trying not to let her strap fall.

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