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Mirror Mirror.


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Today, I reflected on my years of wearing stilletos and nylons. How many times i've done this, The various feelings, And the up's and downs of having a fetish for heels. Some of my most stimulating times have been in front of a full length mirror. Yes, In retrospect I love seeing my feet in nylons and heels and I imagine that this is how others might see me. I dip end dangle and do what ever I see the ladies do. I pose in tight fitting slacks, P hose, and stilletos as I casually slip off a high heel exposing my nyloned foot. Can anyone relate to this? How many of you use a mirror to your advantage? ......Larry.

Love those heels!

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Not quite like that, though I have got a couple of full length mirrors at home. I use them to see how some trousers look with certain heels. The right amount of flair and length and heel type is essential for getting a masculine fashionable look or alternatively, a look which satisfies your intentions. I find this important if you wear heels outside.

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I can identify with both Larry and Firefox on this one. I very much enjoy looking at myself in the mirror when I'm wearing skirts, nylons, and heels, just for the pure narcissicm of it. But, I'm trying very hard to gather the courage to wear heels in public, with the very same goal that I think Firefox was getting at -- the incorporation of a high heeled shoe into a somewhat masculine style. Finding the right pair of pants to go with the heels is important. I have a feeling I'm going to end up selecting a pair of jeans that covers the heel for the most part -- I just need to find a relatively quiet pair of shoes to wear with them. I've read various posts from people that say that the noise is not that big of a deal, but its important to me that I be comfortable and confident. The noise of the heel will make me a bit self conscious, and I dont' want to street-heel for my first time being self conscious. -Nate

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I've gone through various phases in my trouser length styles. For long time I wore trousers shortish to promote the idea of heels but I realised about the year 2000 I wasn't going to change perceptions on my own. Now I tend to wear them half covering the heels, like many women do. Very flowing or flaired styles tend to be more feminine though it depends on the prevailing fashion. I prefer the slightly straigter legged businiess suit type trousers, usually about 33" inside leg but can be longer for certain heel styles. I've never worried about the noise outside. I like noise because that attracts a certain amount of attention. Whatever, the style the mirror is very useful as it's not something you can appreciate looking from above. I've no wish to hijack the thread though. It's just my use of a mirror.

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I think it is not so much an issue of women's styles versus men's. Some pants styles just go very well with certain boot styles. For example, the pointy stiletto boots that one see a lot now, really go great with a long jean with a flare (bootcut). If they are long enough, they will drape perfectly over the boot and leave the pointed tip exposed. The stiletto heel is mostly covered by the pants when you stand but gets exposed when you walk, giving the nts a perfect floating look. Nothing gets better than this ! If you want to wear jeans that are narrow at the bottom, you have to fully expose the heel. I think they even look great when the pants is too short, exposing just a bit of the shaft of the boot. This is a great look with a full heel or even block heel.

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I like looking at my legs in nylons and heels, but haven't used a full length mirror. I prefer to place a mirror on the floor like you find in shoe shops, so that it reflects my feet and legs. I've got digital photos of me wearing most of my shoe collection, as I enjoy posing in them. Again, they're only legs and feet, no full length ones. My avatar is one of several that I took of my patent courts. Chris

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