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men and women - just different?


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I haven't been around nearly as long as many of the rest of you, but speaking for myself, a guy, what attracted me most to this whole forum was the access it provided to women's perspective, particularly, on high heels. It has given me the kind of insight on women and high heels that I never could have gotten in the real world. On the other hand, I suspect that most of the women who participate here really aren't all that interested in men's views of high heels, and are especially uninterested in men talking about wearing high heels themselves. Most of the women here are great and interesting and supportive, but over in the For the Gals forum, someone named Becky just pretty much called us heel-loving guys a bunch of freaks. No wonder so many of them want us out of their forum.

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Women get to wear men's fahions with little or no comment; or name calling. Why should not men? Some guys call heeling men "freaks" too, so it should stand to reason that some women will do the same. There are many reasons for such a stance but none of them point to tolerence of or love of varaiety in life. How boring it would be if everyone dressed exactly the same - oh I forgot - men are supposed to dress exactly the same! Not!

classic style high heel boots

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For me being nice is like smiling. It takes some thing like 17 muscles to smile, and it takes litle effort to be nice. But it takes over 200 muscles to frown and a lot more effort to be nasty. So why dont we all be nice to each other. Jeff

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JeffM:-) I whole-heartedly agree with you---let's be nice to everyone. Anyone who is nasty is welcome to find another forum. There is enough nastiness in the world today without having it here. I come here because it is informative, interesting, and fun for me. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Not to stir anything but wallflower is right

the following quote by becky proves what he was saying

Most of you guys make me laugh.........you parade around in womens shoes and other attire, then you come here and justify your actions amongst yourselves so that you don't feel too weird or guilty, then you ask us girls if you like guys wearing heels and stuff!! Well the answer is NO - we like men to be men and any woman that tells you otherwise is a CD/TV/TS or one of you sad men masquerading as a woman.

(the bold sections iv added)


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Big J what you have quoted doesnt proove any thing about Becky. She has already apologised, saying it was said in a moment of anger and asked our forgiveness. I can relate to that sort of thing and I think most of us can remember saying some thing during our life time in anger that we were sorry for later. Why not just let it go? Jeff

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I agree with JeffM. Becky has apologised. It's water over the dam. Sticks and stones. It's not going to change my way of thinking or change my life in any way. It's time to let bygones be bygones, and let's go on from here and restore ourselves back to some friendly informative, and FUN posting. Cheers--- :D Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Genebujold:-) I don't know what kind of coconut juice you've been drinking, but I think I have been mis-quoted. Check my post of Thursday August 12, 2004 at 8:57 A.M. and I think you will find, (It's water OVER the DAM). TEE!-HEE! I think you have led some of your flock a-stray. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Water (normally) goes over a dam and under a bridge. If it's going under a dam, it's either flowing through passages to drive hydro turbines and make electricity (a good thing) or it has undercut the dam and is soon going to wash it out (an extremely bad thing). Water will occaisonally go over a bridge during a flood but that's a bad thing too! Sorry -- engineer at the keyboard!

Have a happy time!

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I don't know what kind of coconut juice you've been drinking, but I think I have been mis-quoted. Check my post of Thursday August 12, 2004 at 8:57 A.M. and I think you will find, (It's water OVER the DAM). TEE!-HEE! I think you have led some of your flock a-stray. Cheers---

Dawn HH

"My flock?" With a W.C. Fields quote?

If anything, I would hope they would have sence enough to realize from his own ramblings the desparity into which he sank, despite his wit and humor, and from which he never returned!

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Water (normally) goes over a dam and under a bridge. If it's going under a dam, it's either flowing through passages to drive hydro turbines and make electricity (a good thing) or it has undercut the dam and is soon going to wash it out (an extremely bad thing). Water will occaisonally go over a bridge during a flood but that's a bad thing too!

Sorry -- engineer at the keyboard!


Ok, Ok!, OK!

I'll not go back and fix my mistake.

Can't a guy take credit for thinking of two ideas at the same time? (under a bridge, over a dam...)

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Genebujold:-) Men and men - just different? O.K., so your Lionel jumped the track again. It happens to everyone sometimes, somewhere. We have some pretty sharp people on this board with a good sense of humor. We're funnin ya, but we all still love ya. I think it was Bubba136 that got me a good one once. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I guess it's just my offbeat sense of humor showing through. I've been lurking around here so long I almost feel like I know some of you guys. But I do realize that none of you have ever heard from me before. The Internet is a funny place, people can pop up from out of nowhere. If the water thing was good for a chuckle that's great because that's how it was intended! :D Keep your heels dry!

Have a happy time!

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