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All, I recently happened upon the thread that Vanity posted that went horribly off topic. I know I will probably be flamed a bit but I wanted to post this where EVERYONE could read it. There seems to be a bit of confusion and perhaps a bluring of forms here. For me, the form "For the Gals" is just that, For the Gals. Usually I don't read there and even less occasionally reply there (I think in all my postings I did maybe once or twice, but they were topics where guys opinions where asked for). Is it too much that we respect their wishes and let them have their space? It might not seem fair, but I think women do get pressed on much more then men. Let's face it, when have you EVER seem two male friends sitting at a bar for a simple conversation be hit on by lots of women? Think it ever happens? Now take two women friends just trying to have a drink. I would be surprised they could finish a thought without some guys hitting on them. It's just they way things are and I can certainly understand and respect their wish for privacy. Also, when we come to this board, usually the guys come for encourgement and advice on how to get out descretely in heels, etc (sure there are the few guys here that don't wear heels and like to see women in them). I don't think women come to this board for that reason. I think they probably come to encourage each other and talk fashion, or whatever they desire. If they wanted our inputs, don't you think maybe they would post in the "For Everyone" section? My point guys is, how would you feel if the "For Guys" section was suddenly overrun by women posting how foolish men looked in heels and how sick we were for wearing them? Would you feel imposed upon?? Now take Vanity who posted a simple question about suppliers misleading people on heel high they sell and it degenerates into a one-upmanship of who can wear what high for how long?? What does one have to do with the other?? Vanity never asked that question nor did she wish to see the replies on that topic. Daz, yes I know you can wear high heels for a long time period and that is great, more power to you! Not everyone can though. Even if some women complain about "lower" heels, you don't have their feet (not talking size here, talking actual feet). How do you don't know what is comfortable and what is not? My back goes out now and then. Think I would appreciate someone saying "Hey, I am the same build as you and mine never hurts, you are strange". Folks, we are all build different, even have different levels of pain. If someone says a 1" heel hurts them, who are we to question?? Anyway, I got off my own topic, sorry. Anyway, enough of my rant, I hope I haven't offended anyone, just giving "food for thought". Scotty

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I agree with you scotty, I also rarely post in the for the gals section, as I have always assumed the gals section was self explanatory, kinda like lavatories clearly marked and gender specific. We have a mens, we have a gals, and we have a for everybody, thats how its supposed to stay. There is inevitably some crossover especially in a forum in which gender specific apparel (ie shoes) are being discussed for both genders, but lets all try to stay in the right places, and especially not let the testosterone fuel more competition. We all enjoy the same thing here, high heels, so lets just be thankful this place exists in cyberspace for us all to gather and discuss our passion.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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I couldn't agree more Scotty and Shyguy, and I'm so delighted that you two have said what you have. Time and time again, as a caring member, I have posted (although a heel-wearing guy myself) to say "Steady on guys, don't swamp the girls' forums so invasively" only to be accused by members such as Bubba of trying to be a moderator. There is a difference between being a moderator (who can ban people etc.) and partaking in a forum where the whole definition of a forum is that our opinions as members are invitied. My opinion is identical to yours: namely that we male heel enthusiasts should not invade the girls's forums (or take them off-topic as frequently happens) sufficiently for us to drive the girls away. This driving-away just appears to have happened with Vanity and possible also with Buffy - both on their "For the Girls" threads. Most unfortunate! I hope the moderators will take note, and act before we drive the tiny minority of much-valued girls off these boards altogether. Without necessarily completely banning the guys from posting on the girl's forums, I think that the moderators could try and ensure that the male posters at least a) Stay on topic, and B) Don't overly dominate the girls' forums or offend the girls. Constructively yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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it was vited majority no as on the end of that post we just referred to, i have stated that i would personally post there because of lack of female opinion in the lads topics, and to get an opinion not biassed because the poster is also a heeled man who is bound to agree. the topic did go a little off, but had becky replied with your logic scotty instead of personal insults towards me, and misreading what i put anyway, the topic would have continued. Also my point there was to reply to vanity. she was saying how her friends exaggerate heel height to sound good, which was my post too, how women at work class 3in and under shoes as HIGH uncomfy, how does she wear them heels, which i thought the ladies there who wear 5.5in, would agree. However it was misunderstood. hope that calms this toopic for a rant. daz

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