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Going up!


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For the last two weeks, I've worked on increasing the heel height I can comfortably wear, for a couple of reasons.

First, I normally wear a three or four inch heel, and was experiencing some discomfort at 4 inches. I thought perhaps by slowly working towards a higher heel (for practice) I would be more comfortable in a 4 inch heel (for normal wear).

Second, I wanted to at least try wearing the following pair of 4-1/2 inch heels that were among several my wife bought me a couple weeks ago:

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I began by wearing a 4" heel for 20 minutes, then a 4-1/4" heel for another 20 minutes, just walking easily around the house, before dropping back to my typical 3-1/2" heel house "slippers."

I repeated this once a day for a week, then did the same for a second week, but added an additional 20 minutes wearing the 4-1/2" heels.

I have no need or desire to go any higher, but it worked! Wearing a 4" heel now feels a lot more natural, comfortable, etc.

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i agree with that. 4.5in heels used to feel high, but since the purchase and use of my 5.5in stilettos, the 4.5 seems very easy and normal to walk in without probem, even downhill etc. 5.5's are taking a bit more pushing. I can walk but in shorter steps and my knees arent fully straight yet. Maybe i should get a 6' heel to make the 5.5 seem easy. daz

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Hey, This might seem pretty obvious, but you might try something that has worked well for me. I always try to wear heels at least 5" whenever I am standing for a few minutes. Like shaving in the morning, washing dishes, or maybe even just standing for a few minutes watching the TV. While standing, I will make my legs as straight as possible, pushing my knees backwards and holding there, then forwards slightly, and repeating. This seems to stretch my muscles quit nicely. When I do get back into my 4 - 4.5" daily wearers, they almost feel like I am wearing flat shoes. I hope this helps someone, especially those new to heel wearing.


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There is another way that you can get practice wearing higher heels than you are used to wearing. If you want to wear higher heels, you can always wear one shoe with a 4" heel on one foot and wear a higher heel on the other foot...then switch whenever you feel your legs getting tired. This works because it only taxes one set of muscles at a time.....

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I have tried your idea of wearing my 5 inch stilletoes and just standing with my knees perfectly straight. It really pulls on the backs of the heel but I think it will help me to staighten up. My 4 inch heels are no problem at all...I walk in those just like my male shoes. I agree 100% that practice walking in higher heels is all that is required

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