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Summer Wear


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Hey Guys,

I don't know if you would call this "pushing the envelope" or not, but took the family to Kings Dominion yesterday (a theme park here for our out of country members) and wore these sandals with my toe rings, black leather anklet on one ankle and a black leather footlet (similar to the one pictured below except in black leather with wooden beads) on my other foot. I don't think I got any looks, but maybe I did when my head was turned. Also wore jean shorts and a t-shirt. Funny, I felt more "out there" then when I wear my heels. Felt great though!


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example of footlet (btw, my sister-in-laws cute feet, not mine :roll: )

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It doesn't appear to be much out of the ordinary. I've seen lots of guys here in Vegas, in LA, and in San Diego wearing sandals and anklets. I've also seen a few men who've begun wearing toe rings, and a few footlets, too. Don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing all of them at the same time, but hey - go with whatever floats your boat! People in Virginia just tend to be more conservative than most. It's about time they loosened up a bit - glad to see you helping them through that process. By the way - I always enjoyed the few times I visited Kings Dominion, too. They improved a lot between the time I first went in 1980, and when I last went, in 1988.

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