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Wearing Heels....Good Exercise?


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I have been wearing my 3" heels with the 1" lift (4" total) to work for about 2 weeks now. I have noticed that to walk "normal" takes alot more effort than would talk wearing non-heeled shoes. I also notice my legs/feet hurt alot more after walking quickly for any good distance. Just curious if anyone knew do get more of a "workout" wearing heels than if you just walked in flat shoes? If so might be yet another good reason to wear heels :roll: Scotty

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I think it's the extra "lift" that you have in your shoe that causes you to tire easily. Shoes with natural 4" heels wear easier.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I don't know about 4" heels being easy, but not diffacult eather. I did not wear heels much at all last summer and when I wore my Connies with a 4" heel for the first time that fallowing fall to go shoping.......Can we say aching feet :roll: With that amount of lift your feet will get tired when you start at that hight and if you don't keep it up it will hurt again but it will take less time to adapt. Also wearing heels for me haved solved a problem with my feet, I don't halve to wear inserts any more just beacuse I streach my feet just by wearing heels a coupple times a week around the house and droped a half shoe size as well.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Hey Bubba, You are right, but still it wasn't hard to wear with the 2" and the lift. I still wonder if wearing high heels and walking makes you work harder and therefore is more exercise than just walking in flats. Scotty

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sscotty, there is, as Hoverfly said, more to it than just putting on a pair of 4" heels and walking out of the house on your way to a busy day. I didn't mean to imply that it would be easy at first. Like everything else, you have to get used to wearing them. I find that walking is 4" heels isn't a problem since I regularly wear 5, 6 &7" heels and the lower heels are easier to wear. My point, however, was that shoes crafted with 4" heels fit your foot more naturally because the sole is formed (bent) to accomodate the higher heel. Where as a lift inserted into the shoe places un-natural stress on the arch because the sole shape doesn't have quite the same fit. But that's just my opinion. There have been members that have commented that wearing heels 4" and over give them tired feet and they can't wait to "kick" them off when they get home. So, I guess it's a physiological problem having a lot to do with bone structure, weight, size of the foot along with verious other things.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hey Bubba,

You are right in that the insert does make it harder than a plan 4", that much is definite. I don't think it makes it impossible though, just more difficult. I think over time I probably will get more used to wearing them, I haven't even been wearing them to work for a full 2 weeks yet. With the heel lift I think they fit more like the shoes you see with the split arch like these:

Posted Image

Except inside a shoe/boot instead of sandals like above. Basically your heel and your arch hit the shoe but nothing in between. I am sure that DOES make it harder to walk in than a plan 4" heel, but again I am sure I could probably get used to it too.


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i think it does give you more exercise scotty. You have to take twice as many steps in heels to get to the same place. I found this out when wearing my 5.5in boots out for the first time one night. I was walking quickly to the best of my ability, and jade was giggling cos i wasnt going anywhere. Overall i think i would have done about 30% more work than her in her flat shoes.

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I agree Daz. The problem is that when I am at work, I am trying my best to look "normal" which means NOT taking small steps and walking at a fast pace which is why I think my feet/legs hurt :roll: The things we go through to wear heels huh? Scotty

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yes scotty. i once tried to adda lift to my normal shoes, although a little strange feeling, they managed to alter my walk a little. . they werent nowhere near 4in so i dont think anyone noticed, but i know what you mean. perhaps you should look like youre taking a slower stride, then people wouldnt notice anyway

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