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Hi Dawn, I appologize. It was current when I posted the message. Since 'she'? never sold the shoe, she might still have it if interested. Maybe we can continue to use this thread to post items of interest found on Ebay, but also post the ending time? Thanks, Scotty

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Sscotty727:-) No need to apoligize. No harm done. I wonder if your suggestion of posting the ending times would help us any. Something similar could have happened here that happens in the snail mail---Our posts crossed in the mail. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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  • 5 weeks later...


For anyone that is a US Size 11, here are some cool looking boots. I am very tempted to bid on them myself, but I also just bought a bunch of shoes and need to give the ole wallet a rest :roll: I might reconsider if no one bid as the end time gets near, however if any of you like them, go for it!

Information from the item:

Opening Bid: $24.99

Buy-it-Now: $34.99

Ending Time: May-27-04 19:31:40 PDT

Item: Mid-High Bootie Boots with Buckle Detail

Designer: Colin Stuart

Color: Chocolate Brown (#028)

Size: 11

Material: Leather Upper ; Man Made Balance

Approx. Measurements: Heel Height - 4" ; Heel Dimensions - 1.25" by 1.5" ; Height - 8.5"

Condition: Brand New

Description: These stylish boots are great for casual to dress to career looks. They zip on the inside of the foot and have a silver buckle accent on the outside for looks. Sturdy heel and rounded toe.


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hey sscotty, why not send the seller an email if your are still interested in those shoes. She just might sell them to you since they weren't sold on the first "go-round." :roll:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hey Bubba, The point is they ARE still being auctioned, the auction didn't end. The other point is that my wife and I have been spending a small fortune lately on shoes (ebay and online) that I don't know if I should keep spending or take a break. I am still on the fence so anyone wanting the shoes, please go for it. If they are still there at the end, I might reconsider but don't let that hold anyone up from taking them. Scotty

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Thanks for the explanation and offer. I'll accept the explanation. But, no thanks on the shoes. They're not my style. :roll:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Well, my new platform heels came in yesterday. They fit and feel GREAT. Anyway, wore them today to my daughters dance class. I had a few odd looks, but didn't care and wore them proudly. I know you could see the shoes, even though I wore long jeans, I don't think they came down the full way. I had to pass a full wall mirror in one dance room to get to the bathroom and I could see myself walking and saw the ENTIRE shoe in the mirror! Oh well, like I said, I didn't care if anyone saw, i just smiled back whenever anyway looked. Also I asked my wife how they looked when I was leaving and she said "Yeah, I like those alot better than the others, the heels are thicker and more maculine!".


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sscotty727-- I have a pair exactlylike those that I bought in ~2002 at Pay Less, size 12, that I have regularly used as dress shoes at church, and on the job. http://home.earthlink.net/~azraelle/dox/shuz.html

Maybe my pants are longer, but I have yet to catch an "askance" view, much less a remark. But since they sooo resemble shoes that Donnie Osmond was wearing on the Osmond show in the late 70's, I just wear them with the confidence that they are what I would have bought then had I had the money! I think that how you project your "aura" has more to do with whether you are accepted in a particular shoe or not than what the shoe actually looks like, but I may be wrong. I do know, however, that I wouldn't project the same way if they had spikes for heels...

"All that you can decide, is what to do with the time that is given you."--Gandalf,

"Life is not tried, it is merely survived

-If you're standing outside the fire."--Garth Brooks

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You shouldn't have any problems with them, sscotty. They don't really look like women's heels. I'm also encouraged that your wife kinda approves of them, too. What is your daughter's friends and your daughters reaction to them?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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My daughter is only 5 and I have been wearing heels around her for a while now so I think she is used to seeing me in heels. The kids at the dance place are more into the dance and seeing each other I don't think they noticed. I plan on wearing them today for a family gaithering at my in-laws. Both sister-in-laws know (although my wife only knows 1 knows) but neither of my brother-in-laws or my sister-in-laws husband know. They are VERY judgemental and would say something negative if they noticed. I will have to let you know what happens. Scotty

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Scotty727:-) It's nice that your wife approves of your new shoes. You shouldn't have any remarks from anyone when you street-heel in them. You should be able to wear them anywhere. Put some miles on them and enjoy wearing them. Let us know what developes after you wear them in front of your other relatives. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Now, sscotty, that could be an interesting gathering. With your wife's 2 sisters knowing and sorta approving, I wonder if they will come to your defense if your brother-in-laws react negatively?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Well, the gathering went off without a hitch. It turns out my two brother-in-laws went fishing so weren't there. My wifes older sister was there (my wife doesn't know I told her yet) and so was her husband. He kinda stayed alone downstairs while I got graced by 5 women upstairs (wife, 2 sister-in-laws and 2 daughters). As my sister-in-law was leaving I had to run out to move our car (I was blocking them in the driveway) and she quickly pointed to my shoes and said "let me see". I pulled my pant leg up and she just said "those are women's? They look fine to me". I am taking the family and my wifes younger sister (who my wife DOES know she knows) shopping today and plan on wearing them to the mall. Should be fun! All in all been a great weekend. OH, BTW, got a camera phone yesterday (wore the shoes to the phone store too;), but let me get back into shape before posting any personal pics. Gives me an incentative. Later, Scotty

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Sscotty727:-) Both Mickey68 and myself are happy for you that your gathering and week-end went well for you. Let's hope that the Mall shopping will go well also as it sounds as if that wouldn't be as much of a problem as you originally anticipated the gathering to be. Shoot us some pics when you get yourself straightened out. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Thanks Dawn/Mickey, Yes the mall was pretty uneventful since I am already pretty used to going out in public in heels. I wore my long jeans, but I know from the dance class mirror on Saturday they don't cover the heel that well when I walk, so I am sure it was exposed. As expected, NO ONE noticed or said a word. The place was pretty packed too. The shoes themselves are pretty nice. Not that much relative height (they are probably as most 3" relative because of the platform toe). I wish they didn't have the platform toe or I could remove it, but oh well, they are nice shoes anyway. They are heavy though so it was a great workout. What is funny is the woman that sold them said she was selling them because they were "TOO HIGH" for her! Scotty

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Sscotty727:-) Mickey and I have not had anyone ask us quesions or we haven't had any looks that we know of yet. I only expose my heels for a 1/2" to an inch under long boot-cut jeans. The click of my heels is quite audible on my latest pair as I haven't changed the tips to rubber yet. I thought I would try them straight out of the box and see what happens. We have even been in the same isles in the food store as other women doing shopping and apparently they haven't noticed the sounds I make either. Now we go about our business and if someone would be checking us out behind our backs, we wouldn't know about it as we never turn around to see. I have noticed while walking past a mirrored store front, my heels are exposed quite a bit because of the flapping of my pant legs, and of course if I sit down then they are really exposed. Still, apparently no one notices or maybe we aren't aware of it. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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My new boots finally came in! They are more pointy and the heels are alot thinner than I thought (I guess I should have looked at the pic better), but they are great! I think I will save these for "special occasions" like maybe dinner, movies, etc with the wife.

I did wear them out grocery shopping with the wife yesterday and they were very nice. One thing I didn't count on is the heels are very smooth in the bottom and the grocery floor is very slippery, so had to walk on my toes most of the time to stop from sliding (btw, has anyone else had this problem?), but other than that I love them! I also wore them out today to get gas and stop by the convience store. I showed them to my sister in law who is visiting this weekend and she thought they looked fine too.

Here is a pic of them.


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Sscotty727:-) Your new boots are very nice and with that style of toe and heel under long boot-cut jeans, you should be able to go anywhere and do anything with them on. That heel is broad enough that I could wear them myself as I have boots with that same style of heel. I have the same problem with shiny floors in Malls and grocery stores as you do. Yet I see girls and women walking along those same floors as if they are not going to slide or fall on them. Maybe it is us as I seem to be walking on my toes as if I were walking on broken glass. The women go along very confidently and don't even think about sliding or falling. I have changed the heel tips on all of my other boots to rubber tips to partly deaden the clicking sound and to get better traction on the heel tips. I feel more confident with them, but still a bit cautious of sliding and falling. My latest pair of boots haven't had the heel tips changed yet as I am trying them out of the box for heel noise and traction capabiities. Cheers--- Dawn HH :roll:

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Sscotty727:-) I take them to a shoe repair station and tell them to take off the plastic heel tips and replace them with rubber heel tips as they are too slippery. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Sscotty727:-) They are not perfectly quiet with the rubber tips on, but the sounds go down from an ear-splitting sound to an O.K. now I have a click-click that I can live with sound. But the rubber tips definitely give you much better traction on slippery floors. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Actually the shoes are VERY comfortable and easy to walk in, no one gave me odd looks for wearing them at all. My two issues in matter of importance are: 1) Sliding on smooth surfaces 2) Noise (actually this bothers me less these days). I think the rubber heels will do the trick. I will keep you all posted. Thanks, Scotty

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