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Where to buy in Manhatton (the sales are on)


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I've just got back from four days in New York, where I went to do a bit of shopping. I was amazed that every shoe shop, without exception that I found had a sale on with some pretty remarkable discounts to be had if you looked hard, on some pretty remarkable boots and shoes.

If anyone is going out there in the next few weeks, here's some of the spots that I found. Hope it's useful.

West 8th Street between Avenue of the Americas and Fifth Street. (Nearest subway Christopher Street 1 Train or Washington Sq on the A,B,C,D,E or F Trains) - About 20 shoe shops in this short stretch, with a range of prices and quality.

West 34th Street between Broadway and 5th Avenue. (Opposite the Empire State building) All Subways to 32nd street. Most of the popular chains have a store, Aldos, Steve Maddon etc.

Macy's 4th floor, 34th Street, 7th Avenue end of the building. A whole half floor of Macy's, is just one big shoe store with about 7 or 8 different retailers represented. A sight for sore eyes as you walk out of the lift.

7th Avenue between 34th and 42nd street, %th Avenie and Broadway in the same area. Several smaller stores, selling a mix of leather and man made shoes and boots. A couple on Broadway selling from the medium cost ranges, with some very nice high knee length boots for around $200 before discounts.

Recommended walk is start at Times Square metro, walk down 7th Avenue, through Macys department store then along 34th street to 5th Avenue. Back up to 38th street, then across one block to Broadway and back down to 34th Street and the Empire State Building. You've probably visited about 20 different stores.

Here's a link to a map of Manhattan so you can see where you are.


Broadway, between 55th and 58th streets. A couple of smaller shops. The one on 56th street selling a few examples of the Highest Heel range.

I found that unlike the sales here, where it is generally out of season lines that get sold, over there, it is very much in season lines that are sold off at big reductions (one leather store I bought a leather jacket from had everything in the store reduced by 60%). Many of the shoe stores I visited had either two for one offers or 30-50% reductions off marked priced on most of the stock in store.

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I was a normal everyday tourist for this trip. The only pair of boots that I bought was a pair of five inch stiletto boots from the shop on 56th and Broadway, which were the Dragon style by The Highest Heel.

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Those were for a female friend of mine and cost $60 (about £35).

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Those are good places, but there is a lot more in SoHo... You can find more trendy styles and bigger sizes in many little shoe stores along Broadway (between Houston and Canal st.) There is a store in West Broadway called Venus that has sizes over 12 for women, even for stilettos! Also, there is a frederick's in a mall in Jersey City (approx 20 min away from NYC) where you can find a great selection of shoes! Hope this info is useful

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With all these people in the New York City area, when are we going to take advantage of our strength in numbers and "tour" the town together? It'd be nice to have some companions with me--I'm usually spending time at Barne's and Noble's on 6th Ave and 22d, or in Astor Place....but it'd be nice to have some friends for a night on the town!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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