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It was 1974. . . May. . . So Happy It's Thursday (Better known in the Legal community as S H I T day. I got to work early (7:30) and had crunched out the preliminary investigation paperwork for an upcoming deposition that Jane & I were to take today. I wore my grey suit with a white blouse, coffee hose and grey 5" Stilettos to work. It was clear and cool and I finished the prelim as everyone else was trickling in to the office. Jane was in an Ivory dress with matching jacket and 4.5" Ivory Stilettos. We had to drive to Golden to do the depo and since we were both ready to go we departed. Arriving in Golden at 9:30 we had the opportunity to check in and make sure the paralegal of record was on time. Everything was going smoothly. The paralegal set up and we sat around and chatted a bit then as 10:00 came and went we called the party who was supposed to give the deposition to see what was up. He said he had a dead battery and would be there as soon as he could. I offered to come and get him with Jane and we took off. He lived in the hills above Golden about 5 miles away. He picked him up and returned at 10:40 and FINALLY started. What wa supposed take an hour took two. This threw us off and our "leisurely" lunch ended up being a quick trip through the McDonalds' drive thru followed by a mad dash back to the office. We got out of the car and clik-cliked our way to the elevator then to the office. We dropped off the dep & the other documents and had a call from Murray, a senior partner, that he had left pertinent paperwork at his desk and would we please RUSH it over. Jane & I gathered up the needed papers and rushed over to Superior Court. We couldn't find a parking space to save ourselves so Jane orbited the courthouse while I clikclikclikcliked (High Heel High Speed!) my way to the courtroom just as "Her Honor" was calling the room to order (W H E W !). I went to the front of the bulding and waited for Jane to complete her last orbit and, zoom, back to the office. chug . . . chug . . . . . . . chug. Guess who forgot to get gas? I got out and went to the nearest service station and after leaving a $10 deposit for what was the most decreped gas can in the world. I walked back ("Sorry lady, we ain't got nobody to run youse back."). We slopped enough gas into the tank to get the damn thing running and returned to the station. "You smell somethin'?" Jane asked. "Yeah . . . smells like gas." We got out and looked eachother over, no, we hadn't spilled any on us. Looking in the trunk we found out that the loaner gas can had a leak. Off to the quarter car wash! We must have been a sight washing out that trunk in our suits and Stilettos! "Uh-oh . . ." sighed Jane. "Look". The cars' tank had a leak. Back to the service station and a bit of flirting. 25 minutes later we left with a now sealed tank. It was 3:15. "Oh SHIT! I'm supposed to be in Littleton in 25 minutes!". ZOOM! We walked-make that RAN in at 3:35! It was an arraignment and no biggie but took forever. They were backlogged and we didn't clik out of there 'till 5:30. With that finished we made the biggest mistake of the day, we RETURNED to the OFFICE! Murrays' case had taken an unexpected turn and we were going to be there 'till . . . whenever (like when hell freezes over). Althought there were many things to do we all pulled together and with the infusion of some exceptional Chinese Take-Out we finished up around 10:00. As Jane & I clik . . . clik . . . cliked ourselves out of the office. 15 solid hours in my 5" Stilettos and Jane in her 4.5" ers without so much as a foot dangle! "Man . . ." Jane offered. "Me too." "Uh, Jane?" "Yes". "I have a bit of bad news." :D " . . . w h a t ?" she asked fearfully. "I don't know how to tell you this . . ." "Oh, no." :D "Yes honey . . . you have a run." :D "No I don't either!". Jane HIT me! I bought he first round. Anita C.

"Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . .

Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.


Some days are like that, living in our west! :D (Thanks for the "click by clickety-click" commentary - loved it) :D

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Anita, your stories are much more fun to read (and, I'm certain, much more fun to write) than legal briefs. One thing I have to ask: I have worked around attorneys for years, and I have never, ever seen an attorney wear 5" stilettos. And I don't believe stilettos were particularly in style in 1974. Did you get looks or comments, or did anyone in your law firm discourage you from wearing them (or perhaps encourage you to wear them)? And Jane in her 4.5" shoes was almost as out of the mainstream as you. Just curious.


I was ordering my shoes by mail from mant sources at that point in time. No, my employers have never said anything negative or critical regarding my shoes. My co-workers have asked and commented . . . usually "where did you get them?". :D Jane and I had the same tastes and ordered our shoes from the same source. :D I seldom see other female attorneys in stilettos but that appears to be changing. Where Stilettos used to be considered "Hooker Shoes", I've pretty much put that to rest. Stilettos are viewed as "Power Shoes" among my constituents. :lol: Gotta luv THAT! :D Ciao, Anita C.

"Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . .

Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.

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