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Giving Up Heels...


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I used to be with a guy that was a altocalciphiliac in the truest sense of the word. He was aroused by wearing heels, seeing heels , shopping for them or simply put anything high heels. That’s not to say it was the only thing that excited him but it was right up there at or near the top. I supported him as much as I could and though it never bothered me, I know he always wondered how I "really felt" about his addiction. And rest assured it was an addiction. Over the years he bought literally hundreds of shoes. He obsessed over finding that "perfect" pair of heels. I think it was in hopes of putting an end to something that very much controlled the majority of his free time and I'm sure something that always occupied his thoughts. But even if that’s not it, his personality was one that’s ALWAYS looking for the next better thing, whether it’s a car, power tool or piece of sports equipment, he was rarely satisfied. He most certainly spent more time shopping for heels than he did wearing them and I’d say rarely a day goes by that he isn’t doing some kind of high heel shopping (browsing)either online or in the shops around town. Really what I think Jeff wanted was me to want him to wear heels. He wanted me to be aroused by him wearing heels and not just a little. I think he wanted me to feel the same way he did about heels. Maybe it was some way of deflecting the embarrassment he felt. Even though I tried to support him, never once saying anything bad, he could never just “let go” and get caught up in the moment and enjoy his fetish honestly, openly and without shame. Again you could just feel that he was sooo worried what I might “REALLY” think.

From time to time I guess it was guilt or fear that made him throw them away. I could feel it coming on. His personality definitely changed and he began to withdraw. I think it was alot like any addiction that people can have. I knew he enjoyed heels addiction but I also know it "haunted" him. He was ashamed of his love for heels. Even when I tried to talk openly about it you could see that it wasn’t comfortable for him despite so desperately wanting to do so. The styles today make things worse for him. The more extreme 5-6.6” heels are everywhere now attracting his reluctant yet desperate attention. Like an alcoholic sitting in a bar and trying not to drink, you can see him trying not to look when he sees or hears a pair of heels coming. He definitely has little or no control over it. Aside from heels Jeff was your typical guy. He enjoyed sports, crude humor, action movies. I know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t care that I shared this with the people here. Maybe some of you are similar….



Thanks for the poignant explanation Jenny. The slippery slope of "shoe worship."

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I used to be with a guy that was a altocalciphiliac in the truest sense of the word. He was aroused by wearing heels, seeing heels , shopping for them or simply put anything high heels. That’s not to say it was the only thing that excited him but it was right up there at or near the top. I supported him as much as I could and though it never bothered me, I know he always wondered how I "really felt" about his addiction. And rest assured it was an addiction. Over the years he bought literally hundreds of shoes. He obsessed over finding that "perfect" pair of heels. I think it was in hopes of putting an end to something that very much controlled the majority of his free time and I'm sure something that always occupied his thoughts. But even if that’s not it, his personality was one that’s ALWAYS looking for the next better thing, whether it’s a car, power tool or piece of sports equipment, he was rarely satisfied. He most certainly spent more time shopping for heels than he did wearing them and I’d say rarely a day goes by that he isn’t doing some kind of high heel shopping (browsing)either online or in the shops around town. Really what I think Jeff wanted was me to want him to wear heels. He wanted me to be aroused by him wearing heels and not just a little. I think he wanted me to feel the same way he did about heels. Maybe it was some way of deflecting the embarrassment he felt. Even though I tried to support him, never once saying anything bad, he could never just “let go” and get caught up in the moment and enjoy his fetish honestly, openly and without shame. Again you could just feel that he was sooo worried what I might “REALLY” think.

From time to time I guess it was guilt or fear that made him throw them away. I could feel it coming on. His personality definitely changed and he began to withdraw. I think it was alot like any addiction that people can have. I knew he enjoyed heels addiction but I also know it "haunted" him. He was ashamed of his love for heels. Even when I tried to talk openly about it you could see that it wasn’t comfortable for him despite so desperately wanting to do so. The styles today make things worse for him. The more extreme 5-6.6” heels are everywhere now attracting his reluctant yet desperate attention. Like an alcoholic sitting in a bar and trying not to drink, you can see him trying not to look when he sees or hears a pair of heels coming. He definitely has little or no control over it. Aside from heels Jeff was your typical guy. He enjoyed sports, crude humor, action movies. I know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t care that I shared this with the people here. Maybe some of you are similar….



If that's the Jeff part of JeffnJenny, I can assure you not all of us heel loving guys are so obsessive. Sounds like being obsessive in absolutely everything Obsession is not a good thing.

In any case if you want to change your username you can by posting on the technical support forum.. If you're okay with it, that's cool too.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thanks for speaking so openly Jenny. It really sounds like you were as supportive as you could possibly be and sensitive to what he was going through. I really admire how you faced up to the situation, it's pretty rare and special for someone to be that way. It's hard for partners, you can't conquer someone else's demons for them. As for being similar, I think my enthusiasm for heels is perhaps not quite so obsessive. But although I do feel like I've worked through my personal feelings of guilt about liking and wearing heels. I must admit that if I was in a relationship it would still really concern me that my partner might feel that the relationship is spoiled in some way or for her to feel that I don't love her. I think some guys who like heels can feel weighed down (exactly like you say, "haunted") by the feeling that they're somehow a disappointment to their partner because they don't live up to that "knight in shining armour" ideal. It's like we dream of a woman who finds guys in heels attractive, but deep down we find it hard to believe that she might actually exist in reality. That's my perspective anyway.

If you like it, wear it.

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You"re all very welcome. I tend to read much more than I post and I see Jeff in alot of what I read. I wanted those people to know that they're not alone if they happen to come across this. We all have our demons in various forms. If it helps someone , it's even better. Jenny

Just Jenny

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