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Gift Ideas!


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even if he did buy them for himself, more power to him. :( i certainly do, if i find a pair of heels that i like, i just go and buy them. every time that i do, when them come in the mail, my s/o just says "don't you have enough high heels?" :D my reply is, "NO", what is too many?? then i go and buy her pair too!!!! :(

patent leather and classic high heel pumps area.

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This year I'm sending my dad and brother jars of cobra wine. They're 500 ml jars of 150 proof alcohol with a snake coiled around a ginseng root and other herbs and spices. I think it would be difficult to top this one for weirdness.


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Mark4625 wrote:

jars of cobra wine. They're 500 ml jars of 150 proof alcohol with a snake coiled around a ginseng root and other herbs and spices.

Hmmm! That should give them either one gigantic case of heartburn; the worse case of the "scutters" civilization has ever witnessed; or one huge petrifide hard on. :rofl:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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