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Real Leather Crotch High Boots - help?

TOWI Boots

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Hi - as you can see I am new to this site - so hello, this is a great site and I look forward to taking part!

I am looking to replace my worn out, but much loved Amanda Thigh high boots from Italainheels.com

However, I would like to get a pair of proper black leather crotch high boots in thier place.

I have never had a pair of crotch high boots, so dont really know where to start for a good quality pair. I have google'd etc, but they all tend to look quite cheap and plasticy.

I have about £250 - £300 to spend??

Any tips or pointers would be appreciated!


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You can have a look at jean-gaborit.com. They make good quality, but you will have to save a bit more. Custom made is more expensive. Y.

Raise your voice. Put on some heels.

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I also have a pair of Italian Heels "Amanda" and they are lovely. If I wanted crotch high boots I'd probably save my pennies and go to Jean Gaborit. Judging by some of the comments I've seen I'd probably also make an excuse to go to their shop in Paris so that they could take the measurements.

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