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Legs too long?


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I bought my first pair of boots the other day. They were described as over the knee style. However, they only come to just below the knee even with the fold over turned up. I'm wondering if this due to the length of my legs or just the fact that they're womens boots being worn by a male? I'm not complaining, they're beautiful boots by Sam Edelman.

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Often the only people they are "over the knee" on are midgets! Interestingly, I had exactly the reverse situation when I was a kid. I'd gone to visit my aunt and she suggested that I take her large dog for a walk. I told her that I couldn't because I had no wellies so she suggested that I wear her riding boots! I was only 11 at the time and quite small for my age, the boots fitted perfectly on the foot but came well over my knees. This was an incredible feeling and the main reason why I love OTK boots so much. The dog probably had the longest walk of his life BTW!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I have run into the same thing as Wetwillie. A 19inch shaft length tends to run about 2 inches below the knee on myself. ' Thigh-hi ' boots just barely clear the knee with a 24-25inch shaft.


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