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Hello, stealth heel wearer here.

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Hi arpinski! Social acceptance is something that we have to earn on an individual basis. I don't see it happening in my lifetime for it to become a social norm. But we each carve out our niche of acceptance in our little corner of the world. Tolorance however is rampant everywhere. Sure the first time out isn't easy for everybody, but once you've done it once in a public setting you'll wonder why you didn't sooner.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Hey! arpinski, Welcome to the forum! We carry the attitude society has promoted about wearing heels, which leaves us feeling less of a person as we naturally have these thoughts, desires, and want to initiate or act upon them. This attitude only has strength because men haven't stepped forward in heels to declare they want to wear them as part of their social attiring. There are a lot of men who are stealth, closet, or secret heelers. If all of us would wear our preferred heels publicly, even a few times a week, the idea of men wearing heels would be so common that society would realize the choices to wear heels are just as likely to be done by men as by women. Certainly, from this males point of view, women will always look better and stupendous in heels, but the choice to personally adorn should be returned to that person. No one else should have the right to choose what you are suppose to prefer. They aren't you and they don't always know your preferences, just because of the things that have developed your individuality! So, as you choose to wear heels, your thoughts for wearing them are as natural as anyone elses in what they prefer to attire with.

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Greetings Arpinski, Glad to have another Canadian join the HH Place! As a fellow Canadian and there are many of us here, we do enjoy wearing heels in public and do not get much reaction. So I would encourage you to find yourself a style and try wearing them out of the house. Modest start will build your confidence about the shoes of your desire. Look forward to hearing more about your interests. Cheers, Mtnsofheels

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