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Panic/no panic


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As I have said before my work team know about me well in fact too well and in the past with sick car I have often walked in to work often changing from heels before the "gate" but on occasions go all the way with more subtle boots. Never any problems but totally chicken exiting on foot. Driving in and out is different very rarely is there an alert on so never a worry, outbound is a risk of a search and to day I got one, it's only a simple check open boot(trunk) whose tools etc etc, only thing as you can guess I was in 5" heels at least boots and not something too fem. Anyway out of car, round to the back open up the boot(trunk), questions and answers, sign the search paperwork and back into the car and of we go. Casual look round but no one is looking or has noticed, not even a comment. There was I thinking I'm stitched and nowt happened. Well that's life. Al

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Wow, talk about being caught off guard. Sounds like you acted very normally as you got out of your car as the trunk was being inspected. That's probably why nothing was said at that moment.

Have your feard any feedback today from anyone about your footwear?

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Al, WOW! A close call! I have a question: Are the guards men or women? We have guards checking badges and sometimes vehicles where I work. I don't think the male guards pay much attention to what one is wearing. But, the women (especially one I see frequently), are very attentive. I'm sure the news would get back to my office even before I did! Gary

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No feedback as yet as I went to security yesterday to organise a delivery at that time although the same shift is on not the same faces around.

One of the guards from the winter walkins I'm sure has sussed it.

As for females on the gate there is only one out of about 10/12 on the 2 shifts.

The main part of the scenario is that anyone following would get a full view on approach and I wasn't in longer jeans to hide the full height, just to say that most likely 2-3 inches was probably very visible. Just no one came along.

I almost wet myself laughing as I drove out but actually I now feel disappointed.:irked:

Incidentally I've been having problems this year with my neck and got launched to see the company doctor, nice guy, quite knowledgeable and gave me a very favourable report.

Didn't pass any comment about me arriving in 31/2" heels, though the report did mention posture work.

I think he knew.:smile:


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Incidentally I've been having problems this year with my neck and got launched to see the company doctor, nice guy, quite knowledgeable and gave me a very favourable report.

Didn't pass any comment about me arriving in 31/2" heels, though the report did mention posture work.

I think he knew.:irked:



HA! You would have died if the report stated "RECOMMENDATION: Limit high heel height to 2-1/2" or less." :smile:

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You've had quite a nice experience, Alsheels!:irked:

Yesterday I was caught again by one of my employees. If he hadn't addressed me I wouldn't have realized he was there so he might have caught full display of my 6.5cm (2.5") heels through all the pathway as my trousers were not covering the heel. We chatted a while over some of the jobs he has to do, and I went back inside the house.

I think he saw them very clearly as he wasn't to close not to get full view of my outfit. Any way, he made no comment. As I'm his boss, maybe he will never make one; so I'll never know what he thinks.

I'm a public figure for the community where I work right now -we, me and my wife, are the only landlords who is accepted as an active part of the community-, so I try to pay some attention to certain 'male' or 'expected' behaviors.

My country is a bit chauvinistic and old fashioned in some ways -specially in the country side-; and prejudice are on both sides here. I hope I can overcome mine so I can be more confident when I go out in places like these one.

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Gary The great thing was that the report came to me first before the final going to the company. So I could have sorted that one out without difficulties. Majo European laws give some support but whatever if someone wants to make a fuss it will happen. At the end of the day we have to prove that the job can be done and maybe "I'm" a bit odd but it's me and I can be trusted to do the biz to the best of my ability that I'm "elected" for. Thanks Guys Al

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Gary A passed friend had almost the same statement on their boat along the lines of "leave the well trodden path and make your own route finding new friends and new experiences that will enlighten" Certainly being an ex UK MoD site being open is safer than being hidden . Al

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