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USAToday article about boys and girls


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It was a very good article and sadly, some of the comments are from people who react negatively to anyone who dares to be different. There were some possitive comments after this article, but most seemed to be along the lines of "if you are a man, act like, dress like, and be a man. Same goes for fact if you are a woman. If you dare to be different, you suffer the consequenses." But, again, sadly, I have seen similar responses to similar articles.
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Thanks radiodave for posting this article discussing gender identity. Scrappycoco, your arguements to the many of the comments were enlightening. Perhaps, I would have been in line with those who stubornly think that boys are boys and girls are girls had I not first experienced the desire to wear the socially labeled "girls" shoes. Furthermore, it baffles me that people can't see that males do have tendencies for want that which has been deemed female, but society's rigid standards have been so ingrained, these tendencies are viewed as flaws instead of a realization of the whole person. I'm happy and a bit jealous that women are able to be in a position to enjoy such freedom to choose according to their desires without much of a hassle. I'm not saying their lots are free of problems and troubles, but men can rarely think of partaking of womenly pursuits without social backlashings. It use to be that any feminine exhibition by a man was seriously prohibited, unless he was active in the theatre or some other special appointment. Now the ties have been relaxed somewhat, but the attitude continues. O.K. This is the canvas that backgrounds our existence as heelers. We can continue to seek the hiding places and cower within our disguises that mask our fears or we can enrich those around us with more of what men are really made of and men are just as capable in desiring to wear high heels, like many women have developed the desire for.

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