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New nude platform courts


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Hi Everybody, I feeling really happy because my new 5 and half inch nude platform courts arrived yesterday and this is the first chance I have had to wear them. There was a workman at my home today and I could not wait for him to leave so that I could spend the rest of the day in my new shoes. This is the first time that I have spent any length of time in heels that fit me correctly. It make such a difference to your feet. It feels so good to be able to wear my heels (my wife and children are away) about my home. I would love to walk outside in them but I am fearful of somebody seeing me! Anyway the heels are form Next and cost £25 and are very easy to wear. I would recommend them to you guys if you have a shoe size of UK 9 or smaller. Talk later, Neill

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Congratulations. Sounds like a lovely shoe, Nudes are one of my favourite styles too! A pair of high heels needs to fit properly, and can be comfortable, and when you get both its a real bonus! The more you wear them and enjoy them the more you'll want to wear them... thats how it all started for me. Have fun and enjoy! Heel-Lover

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Thanks for the encourgement! I think that if I could I would wear heels as much as possible. Just a bit difficult when you have a wife and children that don't know. I have just completed another first. I went out in the car in my heels, drove to a quiet area and went heeling in public. I just love the way heels sound on the hard surface and the way it makes me feel. It feels so natural. I'll be doing this more often! Neill

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Is it these? http://www.next.co.uk/shopping/women/shoesandboots/1/6

They look really elegant and a lot of fun to wear. Great that you did your car trip too - there's something about wearing heels outside, feeling the cool air on your feet and the thrill each time you dare to go a few steps further, and then running back when you think you hear another car coming... not that I've ever done that myself of course! :silly:

Like you say, "it feels so natural", I totally relate to that!

If you like it, wear it.

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Yes, These are the shoes. As you say they are very elegant and easy to wear. You are right about the feeling of cool air on you feet too. I thought that as well tonight when I was out walking. It would be great if it was the norn that guys could wear heels in public and no-body would think that it was strange. The heel hight on the Next website is incorrect as well because they are over 14cm in height not 13cm as stated. That was an added bonus when I put them on! By the way does anyone know how to post photos? I have a few of my heels that I would love to post!

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