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I was watching a travel show in which they were touring Switzerland. In one scene, they were walking down a cobblestone street and I couldn't help notice there were two women wearing really terrific heels in an otherwise sea of flats. These weren't the kind of crazy skyscraper heels many of us enjoy here but they were in the 10cm range and classic pumps which I still think is terrific. I can't help but think a woman who would wear a pair of heels in a historic town full of cobblestone is pretty hard core. Something about that thought is hot. I wonder if those women would be easy to talk into 12~15 cm pumps for a sexy night out.

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Dressing up to be out in public has seem to have lefted people's sense of self-image. The grunge and casual look has become the popular fashion seen in most all public venues. Unless you are a celebrity going to an award ceremony or your public screening of your movie where you would definitely be noticed, your attire of a suit and heels is most likely left in the closet. It's kind of funny when people like Victoria Beckham or the Kardashians are chided for their public outfits, when they are more publicly presentable then most of the people picking at them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The other day I was in our section of "Old Towne," and there are some original brick streets that still exist. I was wearing 5" stiletto high heels and yes, it was very difficult to walk on those streets and I won't wear shoes like those again if I have to walk any distance on those streets in the future. Walking on cobblestone, brick, or any kind of decorative stone streets in high heels is not recommended.
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