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I guess I should post a proper introduction so here it is. I am new to heels (less than a month) and to honest I didn't know what was wrong with me, I questioned myself a lot for the last few weeks and I stumbled here by mistake. I could not believe there were guys who just wanted to wear heels but still dress like a man (not that I have any problem with anyone dressing the way they want) as I figured I must have been a transvestite if I liked heels. I then posted a... I am not actually sure what I posted, a plea for help? Maybe I just want somewhere to vent my problem. Whatever my plan was the other posters here had three main things to say to me. One. Your not mental, there is nothing wrong with you. Two. Tell your Girlfriend. Three. Get lower heels the ones you bought are too high to learn in. That helped me a lot and I decided then and there to tell my girlfriend as the longer I waited the more I would have to lie and hide things. I hate lying and I cannot even hide christmas presents with any degree of success let alone a shoe collection. I was lucky in the fact my girlfriend is awesome and decided to support me. She has even offered to help me buy some new lower heels this weekend. About me. I have three main things that my life revolves around. Music, Games and Politics. The Music I listen to consists of many various styles including 60's and 70's rock (The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie ect) 70's and 80's Metal and Punk (Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Motley Crue, The Jam, The Sex Pistols ect) 90's to Now Metal (Rammstein, Fear Factory, Smashing Pumpkins, Machine Head, Pitchshifter, Arch Enemy, Nirvana ect) to EBM and Industrial Dance (VNV Nation, Wumpscut, Front 242, Assemblage 23, Seabound ect). I goto gigs as often as I can, but not as often as I would like. The games I play are mainly FPSs like COD, MOH, Team Fortress 2 and Left for Dead. I do play some RPG's but only BioWare ones. I do not play any MMORPGs as they eat too much time. I play on a mixture of Xbox and PC. Politics is my true love, I am very active in my local area. I consider myself a Libertarian Conservative I am a full member of the Conservative Party, the Tax Payers Alliance and the Freedom Association. In a nutshell I believe in a low tax, small government society free from the level of government meddling we currently have in all of our lives in the UK. Kind of similar to the Tea Party Movement in America (I am not racist, homophobic, or sexist... Just thought I would mention that as some members of the Tea Party Movement gave it a bad name fast). I had better stop there as I can talk politics all day with a sock puppet on my own hand. Anyway that me.

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Let me be the first the welcome you formally. :) As you have already found out, the members here cover a broad spectrum of society and are more than willing to listen, support and /or offer advice with regards to heels as a fashion item for both men and woman. That said, thats not all we discuss and you will find that we also discuss / debate a broad range of other non-heel related topics and we encourage everyone to join in Look forward to hearing more from you as you find your way around the forum

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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Confused, if you are planning to go into politics or run for public office, please make sure that your potential constituents are aware, in some manner or form, of your liking to wear high heels. Try to keep it a secret during a campaign for any political office, will leave you wide open for any opponent(s) to use to smear your character and credibility. Just an observation on my part. But, revelation in the heat of battle could be extremely embarrassing.:)

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Confused, as you have seen, we have a wonderful and informative community here. The posts you have made so far have been fantastic and I truly enjoyed reading them and providing feedback. I have no doubt that you will be one of the finest additions to our community and will continue to provide great contributions in the future. I too have a wide range of music interests and like a lot of the choices you listed as well...welcome brother.

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JNR - During local campaigns in our area it tends to stay pretty clean. We leave the dirty politics to Cambridge City down the road. Plus we normally fight the Liberal Democrats, as much as I dislike their policies they have fantastic principles during campaigns, something like that would smear their reputation as bad if not worse than mine. But it is good advice none the less. At the moment of course I am not 100 percent sure what my involvement with heels is yet, but when the time comes we will see what happens.

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Confused, if you are planning to go into politics or run for public office, please make sure that your potential constituents are aware, in some manner or form, of your liking to wear high heels. Try to keep it a secret during a campaign for any political office, will leave you wide open for any opponent(s) to use to smear your character and credibility. Just an observation on my part. But, revelation in the heat of battle could be extremely embarrassing.:)

A true observation. I'm within the MoD/ex agency situation and many know about me including my manager so at least if I get approached for "any secrets" type smear it will just get waved off.

Welcome to sanity- Until you get in to the palace of W.


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