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I'm new. I never have done this before. I feel better knowing that I am not a freak. There are other people out there that love heels. I am a guy who loves to see women in strapy heels. I don't know why but when I see a set of strapy steletos on the street they get my heart pounding. I am always trying to get my wife to where them but she does not like them. She wore them all the time while we were dating. Thats one thing that attracted me to her. Can't wait to get to know people here. Looks like a great site.

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Welcome in Strappy! Apparently you've sniffed around a bit since signing on as a member and discovered the breadth of information on HHs available. I'm a member only for a month, so also new-ish. Don't be afraid to speak your mind on any aspect of HH admiration/acquistion/wearing! Every member here is on your side and most have had the same emotional reactions as you at one time or another. I know I have. Like you, I'm really glad to have found this group! Again, glad to have you... UpBy5

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