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Festival of Sins - London

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It occurred to me a day or so ago how I've not really met anybody from this place and how utterly useless I've been at attending arranged meets, so I'm going to suggest a meet where I'm totally tied down and can't squirm out or make excuses. I barely even met anybody who went to the TG meet a couple of years back. :rose: My own fault entirely.

I already briefly mentioned in another thread that Festival of Sins is happening on the 9th October over at The Den and Centro by Holborn and Tottenham Court Road stations.

I'm actually doing the organisation for one of the fashion shows, so I'm dead meat if I'm not there, soooo... who's up for a fun night out in a friendly fetish/alternative club that is completely accepting of male and female heel wearers? I've received so many lovely comments and kind words from the chaps and gals here at HHPlace, that I would love to be able to finally meet some of you.

The website is www.festivalofsins.co.uk for anybody who wants to have a look to see what's going on. It should be a good night with live music, cabaret and other stuff going on.

Since getting roped in, I've of course had to push my own high heel agenda through and there's talks at the moment of getting more high heel related stuff going on at the event so once anything is confirmed I'll update here.

Do post a reply on here if you're interested in coming along, so I know who I'll get to meet :) I'm quite excited to be able to put some faces to the gorgeous shoe collections and hope that I can persuade some of you to come :)


I may be able to make it for an hour or so before shooting off to Bristol.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Would be awesome to meet you Dr. Shoe, especially since you were one of the people I missed out on meeting by being so flakey for previous meets. :)


And looking fabulous no doubt :)

I would love to join you!!!' will let you know if I can make it as I'm in Hampshire and work weekends! If your ever over this way and fancy meeting up keep in touch I'm always up getting dressed up, I also am v bad at meeting up with people because of my work and also my partner

Cheersx peter

We are all hear fir the same reason HEELS!!!


I would love to join you!!!' will let you know if I can make it as I'm in Hampshire and work weekends! If your ever over this way and fancy meeting up keep in touch I'm always up getting dressed up, I also am v bad at meeting up with people because of my work and also my partner

Cheersx peter

Hi Peter :) I hope you will be able to make it. If you don't make it to this one though, do let me know if you manage a future FoS as I'll be there :)


I won't be able to make it this time but let me know when the next one's on...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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