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I am a long time shoe lover but whats a good pair of heels without smooth hose. I wear 4in heels like tennis shoes been wearing them as long as I can remember. My mom loaned me hers while I lived at home now I'm married and we both share the love for High Heels.:)

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I am a long time shoe lover but whats a good pair of heels without smooth hose. I wear 4in heels like tennis shoes been wearing them as long as I can remember. My mom loaned me hers while I lived at home now I'm married and we both share the love for High Heels.:rose:

Welcome to hhplace iluyph :) Glad to have you joining us. You, like a large number of our members, share their love of high heels with their mates and I know that we're eagerly looking forward to reading more about your adventures wearing heels. :).

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome iluvph, You are a lucky man to have a wife who has mutual interests in High Heels. Many of us are also long time heel wearers and found a great community here at the HH Place. Enjoy the site, has your wife seen this site? Mtnsofheels

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