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Hi From OZ!

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Hi All! I'm YYZ, and I'm from the real OZ Kansas! I love Knee High Frye's and wear them every day! Not really into the pointy toes or stiletto heals and such. But I feel what ever is good for you is golden! Happily married to a wife that understands my obsessions! and actually we love to go shopping together.

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Hi All!

I'm YYZ, and I'm from the real OZ Kansas!

I love Knee High Frye's and wear them every day!

Not really into the pointy toes or stiletto heals and such.

But I feel what ever is good for you is golden!

Happily married to a wife that understands my obsessions!

and actually we love to go shopping together.

welcome to hhplace, YYZ :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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BTW I'm waiting right at this moment for the mailman to deliver a pair of FRYE JULIA CAMPUS ANKLE BOOTS in CLAY! That I had just bought a week ago! Love My Frye's!:wave::wub::):wub:

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Also I was wondering if any one knew of any one who makes a good quality OTK BOOT FOR MEN! Or are those ELLIE 125-TYLER's the only ones? Remember no stiletto's or pointy toes! But I would like them to fit over jeans! I do however LOVE LACE UP's! And also have a HUGE collection of Converse XXHI and ever other brand like them of Knee High Sneakers! (12 pairs at least) I wear them all the time also with Neon Orange, Yellow, Pink, Red, Purple, Blue, etc... laces! Great with shorts and love walking in the malls and stores with them on! The Frye's are for more dressy night's out with the wife! Got 8 pairs of them! All I can say is be proud and wear what you like and smile at those that want to laugh because really they wish they could wear them themselves! Me and the wife have way to much fun here in the LAND of OZ!

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Welcome YYZ :clap:

Just curious, are you a Rush fan?

Ah Yes Another One who has AWESOME taste!:wave:

To Answer you Directly....


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