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Hi everybody, I'm an Irish male who is a lover of most types of heels, and of women wearing heels. I'm looking forward to being part of this site and getting to know you all. I'm just going to take a little bit of time to have a look around this place and get the hang of it, and after that I look forward to contributing! Sheels

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Welcome to hhplace, sheels :) Glad to have another member from Ireland joining us. Take your time. Look around and then let us know something about yourself and interest in high heels. Do you like to wear heels yourself or are you just an admirer? :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome to hhplace, sheels :) Glad to have another member from Ireland joining us. Take your time. Look around and then let us know something about yourself and interest in high heels. Do you like to wear heels yourself or are you just an admirer? :wave:

Hi Bubba,

As of now I'm just a huge admirer but you never know!

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