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Hi from Germany!

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Hey everybody!

I'm a young man from Germany, really into high heels (especially ultra single sole high heels...) and corsets. And maybe a bit into latex but currently not too much.

I'm a real artist - normal art, digital art, graphic design, I also began to design some digital high heels, and I also design and create my own corsets. (first was terrible :wave: - wrong fabrics, fit wasn't too great - but soon I'll beginn manufacturing the second one with the goal to correct those things).

Now here's one high heels design:




hh&c fan

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Hello to Germany, Welcome on this sites from Slovenia. I hope you will enjoy there. I like your HH designs so much. I hope you will do some new designs soon. Best regards, Ana

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welcome to hhplace, hh&c fan :) I'm sure you will find many members that enjoy similar hobbies. Especially graphic design and high heel art. Nice to have you join us. :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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