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Wearing down your fav shoes.


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We all have them, The one pair of shoes that are just a tad more special than the rest we have to make em our favorites, And so did i:( My favs are from 2003 wich make them 7 years old. I used them regular specialy if i where going to walk much or long distances. They have been on the limb for some time now with some heel replacements and tons of heel tip replacements too. But yesterday the age caugth up with em. For some months i have noticed that i feeled the small stones and the surface you walked on in the balls of my feet but could not see anything wrong with the shoes so i just though it was my feet that had become more sensitive in some way. Cause i could see the wear on the shoes but that have been there for ages. Then yesterday i had been walking around in town doing some shopping when i came to an area where a shop window had been smashed and there was class every where. No big deal just walk on it like i always do but AWW. I got heavy pain on the ball of my right foot only to remove the shoes and discover the the sole of my shoe had been worn all the way down leaving a hole into the shoe. So thats the end to my favs and i dont think il ever find a pair like them. They are much similar to the ones in the attachment. Leigh.


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I know that feeling, i had a favorite pair of heels, very similar to yours but black patent. I wore them everywhere for work, looked smart and were really comfy. They were leather soled and one day on the way to work I stood in a puddle and the sole just complete went, there was nothing left. I took them to my friendly shoe repair place for new soles, but they never felt the same again, i have moved onto another fav pair now!!!

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Yes, I know! I had a tragic experience a few weeks ago when I finally had to consign a favourite pair of black courts (pumps to our American cousins) to the dustbin. I'd lost count of how many times I'd had the heel tips replaced. It was like saying goodbye to old friends. Other shoes had come and gone but these seemed more or less indestructable. As above, it was disintegration of the sole under the ball of the foot that finally killed them. Alexa

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Yes, I know what you think about. I'm in similar way with my first white patent stiletto heeled classic pumps..., in turn they are "just" 3" high... :)

By now they are older then 10 years, but when I wear them - and I wear them mostly on weekends -, those good old feelings come into my mind :sad:

Maybe I'll never "retire" them :P


Anita Ashton

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I’ve got a few pairs that I’ve retired – they’re a bit beyond the point where I can wear them but I can’t yet bear to throw them away. They’re in the bottom of my wardrobe and in the spare room. If only I could have them cryogenically frozen, then in the future I could thaw them out when the medical technology existed to repair them. . . .


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I've learned over the years that when I find any shoes that I really like, I make sure to go back and buy several pairs before they go out of production. For example I have 4 pairs of Pigalle still boxed and unopened. They'll remain that way for sometime as I only wear the current pair for special occasions. Of course it doesn't always work like that. It's taken me years to become attached to some shoes. Not love at first wear. Like Alexa, I can't bear to throw them out even when they are falling apart. They just get hidden away. I had some reincarnated once by a bespoke shoe maker. He built a new pair as close to the worn out pair as he possibly could. They cost me £900! and they never were the same shoes. How could they be. Well I was desperate but I know better now.

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Ah, Amanda – there’s a thought to fantasise about. Getting bespoke shoes made up. I’ve never done this myself but I‘ve got a few ideas I’d like to put into practice one day. A few years ago I came into some money and sent my measurements off to Dark Garden Corsets in the USA. They made me a beautiful leather corset which still has pride of place in my wardrobe. One day I’d like to be able to do this sort of thing with my boots and shoes too. So much footwear, so little time. . .


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I wont get mine built up again. As amanda said it will never be the same. It will almost look the same but it will never actualy be the same. Im still hunting for the new fav pair, and so far louboutin has a strong lead but theres so many to choose from.

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I’ve got a few pairs that I’ve retired – they’re a bit beyond the point where I can wear them but I can’t yet bear to throw them away. They’re in the bottom of my wardrobe and in the spare room. If only I could have them cryogenically frozen, then in the future I could thaw them out when the medical technology existed to repair them. . . .


One of my friend usually use further their favorite shoes after retiring. She polishes them after she uses them for cell-phone holder, jewels and necklace holder, etc. on the tables and commodes. :)


Anita Ashton

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For example I have 4 pairs of Pigalle still boxed and unopened. They'll remain that way for sometime as I only wear the current pair for special occasions.

Of course it doesn't always work like that.

Ohh..., Amanda...!! Have you got 4 pairs of Pigalle? What colors are they?


Anita Ashton

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One of my friend usually use further their favorite shoes after retiring. She polishes them after she uses them for cell-phone holder, jewels and necklace holder, etc. on the tables and commodes. :)


Anita Ashton

Mine is standing at the regular place and they will keep doing so for a long time still :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

There always seems to be newer styles that go with each new generation of fashion that I like ...... I don't really have a favorite pair although sometimes my most worn in, most worn to work, most worn pair becomes my favorite as they are my most comfortable. In my case, my most comfortable pair right now is a pair with English riding boots inspired style which I can wear out on weekends but not to work as they are flats. My favorite pair with heels has a 3" heel which looks gorgeous but is a lot more tiring then flats

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that I always have that one pair that I love more than the others and I will wear them till they are dead. They are typically my casual shoes that I wear on days when I want to be comfortable or simply lazy. Conversely I have a pair that is by far my hottest, but even an hour on my feet turns into a lesson in pain and humility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hear you Shintav! The comfort factor can be so big which is why in certain cities, I know girls have just two pieces of footwear that get regular use. Uggs in the winter, flip flops in the summer. Their other pieces just sit in their closet.

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