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hello from Mile High City (Denver)

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Hello, I stumbled upon this site while reading up on the history of high heels. I was excited to find this site and people who share a passion for wearing heels. For some reason I've always been into high heels and wearing them. Probably, the thrill of doing something I'm not supposed to initially, but it has grown and I enjoy the thrill and exhillaration of wearing heels. Like most I was ashamed and only did it at home. I got married and thought the feelings might go away, no it got stronger seeing the wife's stash. Anyhow, I've ventured out to malls or to quiet office parks, depending on my mood in my heels. It's just an amazing feeling, like being in 4 inches of heaven. I love the hip sway and how toned the legs feel after a good outing or a quiet day at home just walking around. Cheers to HH Place!

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Welcome to hhplace, Milehiheels :pulsingheart: Most of the male members here that wear high heels know what you mean when you say that the feeling of wearing heels is just "amazing," How does your wife feel about you wearing high heels? Is she supportive or does she even know? :blinkbigeyes:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hey Bubba136, So the wife does know, and we have gone out with me fully dressed up and had a ball. Problem is with the kids around, we don't do it as much. I definitely want to bring them up being aware that there is nothing wrong with that, but as those with kids may know, it's tough and don't want to confuse them, at this point at least. Anyhow, that may be the hesitation noticed in my initial message. Not that I'm holding back (I gave that up a while back), just needs some scheduling and arranging for heeling around... Regards, MHH

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