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hey how are we all??

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not too used to all this but ill give it a go and hopefully be accepted :pulsingheart::smile:

What ever do you mean? :blinkbigeyes:

How about introducing yourself and tell us something about your interest in high heels....and, we'll go from there.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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not too used to all this but ill give it a go and hopefully be accepted :blinkbigeyes::smile:

Hi Nikniknik

If you mean you're not used to these interwebby flogs and borums or whatever they're called you're not the only one. Get the impression that most people here are kind of keen on accepting.

So tell us about yourself . . . and your heels . . .

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Hi Nikniknik

If you mean you're not used to these interwebby flogs and borums or whatever they're called you're not the only one. Get the impression that most people here are kind of keen on accepting.

So tell us about yourself . . . and your heels . . .

Hey Spikester, as long as I've been a member of this forum, it has been customary for a newly registered member to sign in and introduce themselves and tell others about their interest in high heels -- which some people just don't do. I for one, am not willing to extend a "wholehearted welcome to anyone that just drops in and tell us if they "like it" they'll buy it. It is up to us to like them and, based on their entry introduction, decide if they fit in here.

So, if you are referencing my remarks to your countryman, why not let him know that if he's really interested in this forum, and wants to contribute in a positive manner, that he might introduce himself for all to get to know.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hey Spikester, as long as I've been a member of this forum, it has been customary for a newly registered member to sign in and introduce themselves and tell others about their interest in high heels -- which some people just don't do. I for one, am not willing to extend a "wholehearted welcome to anyone that just drops in and tell us if they "like it" they'll buy it. It is up to us to like them and, based on their entry introduction, decide if they fit in here.

So, if you are referencing my remarks to your countryman, why not let him know that if he's really interested in this forum, and wants to contribute in a positive manner, that he might introduce himself for all to get to know.

Sincere apologies for any breach of board etiquette. I assumed Nikniknik meant new to being part of a forum, rather than new to an enthusiasm for heels. Promise to keep my puppies of enthusiasm on a shorter leash in future.

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