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Hello, everyone

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My name's Dave, I'm from the American midwest. Right now, I'm suffering through college, trying to find a job, all the while keeping my balance by exploring my passion: writing. Not sure if I want to be a full-fledged author someday, but who knows? I became a member of this forum to explore and of course get to know others. I do not have a fetish per se. Actually I recently discovered that my love of boots (of just about every variety...except uggs and KISS-lookin' boots) is more or less related to Retifism. I admit that I am a growing collector (only 2 pairs :pulsingheart:), and I am very, very shy about it. Which is the final reason for joining, the refreshing relief to know that there are other straight men (no bias to homosexuals) who have similar patterns of emotion towards the element that so binds us to our women and beyond. :blinkbigeyes:

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