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I am new here


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but not new to wearing high heels.

I am a closeted heel wearer. My wife knows, does not approve, so my wearing is solely in private.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here.

welcome to hhplace, MSL :wave: Tough position to be in, regarding your wife. However, it's always great to welcome another heel wearer from the UK. Just remember, you're just one of a few thousand men in your country that likes to wear heels. So, be assured that you're not alone.


Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I was a closeted heel wearer on rare occasions when I could. Last week I told my partner that I wanted to wear heels, caused a bit of a problem but we are over that now and I am wearing them in the house when she is in. She tolerates it but is not happy about it and we do laugh about it. It has proved that honesty is best and being open about it has done a lot for our relationship. She even said that it is better to do this than sit at the computer and download pornography - nobody gets hurt. She was concerned that lingerie & dresses would follow but I do not need that because I have what I want - the heels! I am dressing for dinner tomorrow - black trousers (male), black shirt (male) and black patent shoes with a 5" gold heel (no platform) - hands up those who think I am looking forward to it.

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MSL:-) Welcome to the HH Place Forum. Hope that you can eventually overcome your wifes problem with you wearing heels. Give her time to think things over and she may come around. We can only hope for the best. Bubba136:-) Up-date--- According to MSL's statistics, he lives somewhere in the USA. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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