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hello from holland..


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Hello everybody,:chuckle: i am reading this site for many years and finaly i have become a member, i love to wear high heel boots, and some times dressed up like a girl. And as lucky i am it is ok by my girlfriend.. grt Cas

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Welcome to hhplace, cas :w00t2: Glad you finally took the step to become a member. I would venture to say that there have been times while you lurked in the background, as a non-member, that you read a comment on one of our threads and through that you had something you thought was important to say on the subject and weren't able to because of your visitor's status. Now, we're all looking forward to reading your comments because, you can't have lurked as long as you have without developing some really strong opinions on some of our most discussed subjects. :chuckle:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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