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Hi from MA

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Hi All, Making my introduction as a boot and heel fan. I've owned several pairs of knee and thigh boots in the past and enjoyed wearing them in private, but unfortunately without at the moment. Discovering this site is encouraging me to get some again and perhaps meet with others to chat and admire each others foot wear. Wife is also a boot fan and can be often found sporting a pair, unfortunately any suggestions of me doing the same has no been well received, so have never pushed it.

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Welcome to hhplace, nigleboots :w00t2: Mass. is becoming a "hot bed" of hhplace members. There are quite a few in and around your area. Tough about your wife not being supportive of your desire to also wear boots. But, there is a stigma attached, it seems, to men wearing high heels as not being "manly." We're here trying to change that perception, however. Your "silent" support is greatly appreciated. So, post often. :chuckle:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Nigelboots, Glad to hear your are having a revival of the boots. Do not give up, we can do this stuff for men, wear the boots we want where we want. We have a collective movement here to do that. Hope to hear from you and about your heeling efforts. Enjoy, Mtnsofheels

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Nigelboots:-) It is unfortunate that your wife dosen't go along with you wearing heeled boots, but maybe some day. Get her to read the posts here and she will realize that you are not any lesser of a man just because you wear heeled boots out in public. Welcome to the Board. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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