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wearing pointies --> overlapping toes --> relief?

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hi girls, i decided to post my message here in "girls only", because i have realized browsing through older posts in different departements, that some men can be very offending to us. also they definately have different experiences compared to us wearing nice shoes on a daily basis, so that i think i dont need these precocious pointy-headed coments. as i wrote in another post, i only rrally like pointed toe shoes and started weareng these at age 11 and trew away my last flat shoes with 15/16. from todays pont of view it was not a too good idea to start that early, because my feet were still growing and perfectly adopted the shape of my pointy high heels. so since ages i have permanently overlapping 3rd toes which caused already trouble from time to time. but with wearing and breaking in some new (and a bit too small and narrow but soooo beautiful) pumps they became blue and numb. i also was a bit to vain to give them a proper time of to relax, i think, so it really is not getting better. my doctor demanded a surgery to straight the toes, but that would mean, i should never wear pointy heels again! it is not suitable for me, i love my shoes! idont want to loose them! the doctor said, that he could also remove the 3rd toes, something which is usually not done anymore (it was done broadly in the 1950ies and 1960ies), if i want that. that would allow me to go on wearing my pointys. so i am really mixed up at the moment and dont know what to do. i am hoping that my toes are getting better again of course, but on the other hand i am to vain to treet them better and wear less pointy heels these days. has anybody else these problems? what are you doing about it? (or have you done in the past) has anybody had surgery to straighten toes or so? thank you all for reading amina


Yes, blokes are not wearing stilettos out in the real world as far as I am aware, and that's a whole different ball game. Especially if you have to run for a bus, or walk elegantly over a distance on rough paving whatever, including being in a hurry. Walking about in the office is simple by comparison. And most of us wear them for hours on end. I often wear pointy toe stilettos - I love them. I don't really get any problems other than a bit of pain on the tops of my toe joints, mainly the middle three toes. I suggest you give pointies a rest until your toes feel better, then try to find shoes with a slightly roomier toe box. Do you wear nylons?? I find wearing them makes my feet slip further into the toes of my shoes, especially when my feet get hot which can get uncomfortable now and again. Maybe even try classic almond toe stilettos for a while - they're just as yummy! As far as toe removal surgery... OMG that's horrible:penitent: Nobody wants to see toes missing!! I can't believe women ever did that - all they needed to do was practice, bit at a time, slowly getting used to their shoes. Hope this helps:wavey:

  • 2 weeks later...

hi nina, thx for your answer. I try to give them a rest. But you know it is not that easy if the 3rd toes are really allways on top and somehow "in the way" whatever you wear. That also one reason, why I am wearing nylons most of the time. So my somehow needless 3rds are not getting cought when I slip into my pointies. best amina


the doctor said, that he could also remove the 3rd toes

Please do not do it! Always respect yourself, your body.

I suggest you start wearing, instead of shoes you are used, some pair of rounded toe ones. You will surely find a pair that will fit your taste.


I have know some gals who have had toes removed or shortened for this reason. My toes are bent and not really overlapped but look like they have been run over by a car or beaten with a sledgehammer. My small toe actually bends right under my foot and this causes me more pain recently.


I have know some gals who have had toes removed or shortened for this reason. My toes are bent and not really overlapped but look like they have been run over by a car or beaten with a sledgehammer. My small toe actually bends right under my foot and this causes me more pain recently.

Hi Dancer Girl,

thank you for your post. You are the first one, who has personal experience with girls or women, who had done such a surgery. (I googled the net, but never got in contact to somebody "real" who had this done.) So I have many questions! What exactly had they done? How works the "shortening"?

Was the surgery successful (in pain relief e.g.)? Are there any unexpected long term effects? And how is the esthetic result? How were the reactions of other people to that?

Sorry, so many questions!



  • 2 months later...

hi amina, sorry to hear about your toe problems, i guess it is the price we have to pay for wearing pointy high heels! i have a friend, in her fifties now, who had two toes removed for a better fit of her shoes when she was about 14-15. but her problems were caused mainly because she had to wear shoes much to small as a teen, because her mother wanted to avoid that the feet of her tall daughter became "gross" and she would be unable to find shoes later in live (like herself). i can ask her for details if you want. sent me a replay or a pm (nobody seems to be interested in that subject) best susi


I also wear pointy shoes, sometimes smaller than my size. Till now i didn,t have big problems, only curled toes and masive corns which are very painful. Shall i expect for the future such problems with overlaping toes?


Amina If iam in your place, i will never do a surgeon operation for toes. I will follow my love for high heels and pointy toes and i will suffer in quiet for my passion. If you make the operation and you will be not able to wear point high heels you will be emotional affected. In this case i think that it worth to take the pain and to look good and to be sattisfied in your soul. Mental and psihical wellness is more important that some pain and blisters and corns. But this depends very much of your capability to deal with the shoes pain.


Sorry to hear that happen to your feet. Fortunately for me I never had a bad experience of wearing pointy toed shoes mainly because I only started wearing heels fully about 1 year ago. I think my feet have fully grown since then. I don't think you should have surgery on your feet to fit pointies well. I say that if your feet can have rest and heel, then maybe you should consider when buying another pair, that the shoe fits properly and it does not hurt the toes. I have had a pair of heels which were really painful for my toes and instead of put up with them, I just returned them. I'm sure if this was your problem since it could also be the heel height. I'm not sure. Make sure that you don't make the feet fits the shoe. Make sure that the shoe fits the feet. Hope this helps...


Hi im sorry to here your feet are now bad. i also have been wearing heels with pointy toes almost all the time for about 16 years now,at the age of 21 i had bunions formed and angled toes my Dr said it was from wearing pointy heels alot but i thought who cares i love my shoes,when the toes reshape to the shoes they can hurt and its sad your 3rd toes have overlaped this has happened to my 2nd toes and i know how that feels when you wear nice pointy stilettos alot. hope all settles down im sure it will dont give up hope and btw use corn pads on the toe joints that helps for me stops some rubbing on the corn areas, regards Sharon.


  • 4 months later...

hi all, i received a pm from someone, but it was already gone when i tried to open it (not so often in the forum). was it somebody asking about my friends experiend with removed toes? (btw: i never had a reply by amina, hoe are you today?) please try again. love susi


hi girls,

i decided to post my message here in "girls only", because i have realized browsing through older posts in different departements, that some men can be very offending to us. also they definately have different experiences compared to us wearing nice shoes on a daily basis, so that i think i dont need these precocious pointy-headed coments.

as i wrote in another post, i only rrally like pointed toe shoes and started weareng these at age 11 and trew away my last flat shoes with 15/16. from todays pont of view it was not a too good idea to start that early, because my feet were still growing and perfectly adopted the shape of my pointy high heels. so since ages i have permanently overlapping 3rd toes which caused already trouble from time to time.

but with wearing and breaking in some new (and a bit too small and narrow but soooo beautiful) pumps they became blue and numb.

i also was a bit to vain to give them a proper time of to relax, i think, so it really is not getting better.

my doctor demanded a surgery to straight the toes, but that would mean, i should never wear pointy heels again! it is not suitable for me, i love my shoes! idont want to loose them!

the doctor said, that he could also remove the 3rd toes, something which is usually not done anymore (it was done broadly in the 1950ies and 1960ies), if i want that. that would allow me to go on wearing my pointys. so i am really mixed up at the moment and dont know what to do.

i am hoping that my toes are getting better again of course, but on the other hand i am to vain to treet them better and wear less pointy heels these days.

has anybody else these problems? what are you doing about it? (or have you done in the past)

has anybody had surgery to straighten toes or so?

thank you all for reading


Hi Amina.

This is a problem many has been dealing with including my self, and i can tell you surgery is not the right way to go. There are so many ways out there to recover your toes some better than others though. My toe's are slowly going back to normal and still wearing pointed shoes.

I have tried many things to correct it and the one i found to be the best is using a rubber tube. it must not be to soft and not to hard either. It must be the hardiness where it will help the toe go back and not force it. I have been using that for 6 months now when sleeping and it has already bend my toe in a 5 degree angle the right way. So its a slow progress but it does job over time. I wont promiss that it fully recovers since my aint and im still doing it but atlest they dont overlap any more and i still wear my pointy shoes all day long. Recovery might go faster if you dont wear pointed heels but i dont know. One important thing in this is that it may never hurt your toe. if it does you are using a to hard tube. Its okay if its a litlle num in the morning but it may not hurt at anytime as thats a sign your forcing your toe back instead of helping it goe back it self. You can get a suitable tube at almost any handymarket.

Hope this is helpfull you.


I also wear pointy shoes, sometimes smaller than my size. Till now i didn,t have big problems, only curled toes and masive corns which are very painful. Shall i expect for the future such problems with overlaping toes?

Well the answer to this can both be short and long.

The short one: Yes.

The long one: It is most likely to affect you also with bending toes. It is deping on wich shoes you wear how soon it will come. To small shoes speeds it up. A friend of mine from work sleeps with the spacers you use when putting nail coat on to prevent it but im sure theres many better ways to do it. My advice is to find a good way to prevent as its easier to prevent rather than fixing it.


  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, has anybody had contact with Amina these days? I received a message over yahoo at the end of october but never got a reply on my answer(s). I am asking because she seemed to be in a fairly bad mood psycologically. She had done the surgery in summer, but she fears that everybody could see (through her closed pumps) that she had it done. Maybe I am writing to much. Please Amina if you read this give me a sign! Love Susi

  • 8 months later...

Hi Amina, how are you? Have you done a thing? My toes are also the same. I have pain two. Write plaese about you and toes. Thank you very much Liane

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