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Hello from IA

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I am new to this, but not a heel virgin. I have been wearing heels for over 30 years. I am married (for 20 wonderful years), and have a 19 year old daughter. My heel wearing is done in private (my wife knows, but chooses to ignore it). I own about 40 pairs of shoes, from flats to heels to boots. I prefer 3" to 4" heels. I would love to chat with anyone when time permits, and any questions are OK.

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Welcome to hhplace, ClosetHeels ;) Spousal acceptance runs the full gamut from totally not accepting, including divorce, to being overly supportive to a point that it is distracting. The fact that you are able to "work" your heel wearing into your "usual" lifestyle is, under the circumstances, the best you can hope for without -- perhaps -- alienating your wife or your daughter. As your daughter is now 19, I would bet that she is aware that there are some woman's shoes stashed somewhere about the house, that are not the same size as either she or your wife wear. Also, I wouldn't be surprised that if she didn't already know of your heel wearing. While I wouldn't make a point of bringing the subject up, if it ever came up, if I were you, I wouldn't deny it....It would bring the point out where you no longer would have to treat is a deep, dark secret. Best of luck and welcome! ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Bubba136, Thank you for your welcome. My wife and I love each other very much, and although she doesn't support me in this, she doesn't resent me for this either. My daughter and I love each other also. In a lot of ways, she is more like me than her mother. But I suspect she knows and chooses not to say anything to me about it. My wife wears a size 6 wide, and also wears flats or mininal heels because of foot problems and being diabetic. My daughter (and I don't know where she got this from) wears a size 10 to 11. She loves high heels, and wears them all the time. I wear a men's 9, and a women's 11 (in most shoes). So actually, I have to hide my shoes or she asks if she can have them, as she did with one of my favorite pairs of boots (which she ruined, by the way). There may come a time when she will confront me, and I will handle it then. For now, I just have to enjoy my "private time". Thank you again for your welcome and wishes.

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