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Hello from Houston TX, USA

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Hello to all, I really didn't want to make a "hello" post but I joined a week ago and have yet to be "approved" for much of anything... Every time I try to view anything or post I get the message "you AIN'T good enough".... Anyhow I am a male, I live in Houston TX, I am 42 yrs old and I love high heels.... I am married, my wife is familar with my obsession, but not to the extent that would make us close and in sync..... I look forward to maybe getting to view and participate in this forum fully, once my "restrictions" are hopefully removed. Peace to all

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Welcome to hhplace, dug1967. ;) There are quite a few other heel lovers from the Houston area that are also members here. Now, just registering and becoming a member of this forum is just the first step. You will be able to access the other elements of this forum after you've posted at least 5 times. -- So, post away!!! Do you wear high heels, yourself or are you just an "admirer?" We're all looking forward to reading your comments. ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Greetings dug1967 and a very warm welcome to the forum where I hope you will enjoy your time and make many new friends who share your interest. You only have to make four more posts and the whole shooting match will be wide open to you. I look forward to reading your posts.


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