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Greatings simo80 and welcome to this board :-)

Your black heels collection is very nice indeed. You have great taste !

And your white sandals in your avatar are to die for...Excellent choice :winkiss:


Rather than start a new thread for each new pair, it would make sense to have your own single thread for all of them, so that they are easier to find... In any case, you've found some great shoes over the last few weeks. :winkiss:


Rather than start a new thread for each new pair, it would make sense to have your own single thread for all of them, so that they are easier to find . . .

Good idea. To that end, I have merged simo80's two picture threads and renamed this one to something (I hope) appropriate.

One other thing, please try attaching your images directly -- here's how.

If you link to images and you close out your account on your image host, your pictures disappear here and your thread makes no sense anymore. If you attach your images here, your thread will remain intact as an inspiration to posterity!

Have a happy time!

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