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Hello all, Stumbled across this site after a goooooooooooooogle session, Quite impressed by the content, and would love to stick around and see what's up! Am a self confessed thigh/knee boot lover, have been since i was about 10, and i'm sad to say that my most fave pair of knee boots have just died on me, grrrrrr patent leather never does live for very long though, does it?? :winkiss: Anyway, hope you're all well and i shall come back very soon! :silly:

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Hello all,

Stumbled across this site after a goooooooooooooogle session,

Quite impressed by the content, and would love to stick around and see what's up!

Am a self confessed thigh/knee boot lover, have been since i was about 10, and i'm sad to say that my most fave pair of knee boots have just died on me, grrrrrr patent leather never does live for very long though, does it?? :silly:

Anyway, hope you're all well and i shall come back very soon! :clap:

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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Welcome to hhplace, michael1979 :silly: Great you joined us here. We're all looking forward to reading of your adventures in high heels. :winkiss:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Why thank you for your welcomes, i shall be trying to contribute as much as i can. Also, seen as i'm new to all of this, can any of you advise me how to "up" my ratings (gold stars)??? Please don't tell me i have to go work for a fast food chain to work on this? hehe :winkiss:

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