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Hello from Canada

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Hi everyone, Well I don't know where to start to be honest with you. I found out this website through a google search and I explored it. Finally a place with people that might understand hahahaha. Since I was a teen (I'm 30 now) I always enjoyed looking at women wearing high heels, it's hard to explain but it looked so good on them. With time my interest in high heels grew and the desire to wear them as well. A couple years ago I bought myself a pair of 5" stilettos I was so excited when I got them I couldn't take them off except to go to work. At one point I even found myself walking on the tip of my toes without even realizing it when I was bare feet hahahahahaha. Since then I bought a few other pairs and now I'm at 8 pairs of high heel shoes and wear them often at home. I haven't gone outside with them yet, even though I tried driving with them at one point and it was a disaster hahaha... I intend to buy a new pair soon ;-) I never told this to anyone, even my various girlfriends since then. Not easy, sometime I just want to spit it out but I'm not sure about their reactions. I haven't had the luck to find a woman who loves to wear high heels yet :w00t2: I guess this makes you the first people to know about my love for high heels. I do hope I'll enjoy discussing with you.

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welcome to hhplace, CanuckHL, Your story is similar to a lot of us here. One thing all of our male members have in common is the fact that, even though not all of the male members wear heels, we all like to see heels worn by women. I'm sure you will find a lot of information that will be useful to you and I am also sure, given the number of members from Canada, you'll be surprised to find one or two close to you. Welcome again. ;-)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Again, welcome CanuckHL. Re: telling girlfriends, you'll have to be the judge of that. I'm sure that most women pick up on our interest in heels by our body language- though they may not know the full extent. I've told a few girlfriends (but not all) about my fetish and the reactions went from don't ask/don't tell, don't tell to show me/no problem. Granted this was after some time as I wanted to be sure the relationship was going to last. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

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From Montreal, where r u from? When my girlfriend found out I had this thing for heels she suggested to buy a pair for her which of course I quickly complied with (she does NOT wear heels as a rule). Maybe you can test her and see?

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