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My first steps.....


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Hi to all, as promised in my 'hello' thread, my 'heels' story. (part 1? i can't tell the latest story, but them i am finished, maybe it's nice to 'build' it up?)

I think, it's started the same way as the most of us. Tried some of 'mommy' shoes. I was, maybe 13/14 years old. She had some nice shoes, which i tried. But the heels was a bit 'chunky' and therefore quite stable, but it was a nice feeling. But later i've found a nice blue pair (Sandal) with a more 'sleek' heel. They were a bit more 'unstabile'. That was a kind of 'first love' feeling. Almost every time my parents were out of the house, i've took them on. They had a very soft leader 'toe box'. Approx. 9 cm high heel. Open toe, almost 3 toes were peeping out, closed heel cap, with 1 ankle strap. On top of the toe box, was a kind of a knot. They were the number one.

No real 'outings', a little walk through the garden to the shed in the dark (is not a 'real' outing) So mainly in the house/shed, done some housework for school, cleaning my bike, working on my Modelrailroad, etc. I had the feeling, i could ware them the hole day. But my feet were growing (and the soft leader grows with my feet) so, the shoes slowly becoming 'to big' for my mother. She walked rearly on these shoes, but when she finally want to wear this shoe, she trowed them away. Oh no! ;-)

Luckely i've discovered it 'on time' and picked the shoes out of the trash. Now there mine and can wear them when ever i liked. Walking on those shoes was meanwhile no problem anymore.

But, 2 years later, we had to move to another house, and all my hidding spots are gone. I've paniced and throw them away. :w00t2: What a mistake!i still regret it. Later i've made a drawing of those shoes and secretly still looking for that kind of shoe. May someone can give me a hint....

If i can attach the drawing (apearently not) How can i attach a little image (21Kb) this way? http://www.flickr.com/photos/34651407@N02/

To be continued?

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great story, welcome .....keep writing your experiences... as for your shoe quest I think you should let them go and move on with new styles, browse the e stores and get the best you want, or go to shopping mall buy boots or pumps whatever you like where you can return them if is not confy or is not what you want, try them on in the car or in the privacy of your home.

V. Morpho

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Thanks for your support! Meanwhile i've got a nice collection of heels. (but not that blue pair) They will come..... sooner or later. I'll will be visiting SexyShoes.com (and other US sites) Till now i've bought (right word?- to buy) my shoes at fuss-schuhe.de, italianheels, but also at Wehkamp and Neckermann

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No real 'outings', a little walk through the garden to the shed in the dark (is not a 'real' outing) So mainly in the house/shed, done some housework for school, cleaning my bike, working on my Modelrailroad, etc. I had the feeling, i could ware them the hole day.

Oh, dear! Wearing high heels is of course perfectly normal male behaviour, but I really worry about people with hobbies like yours. :w00t2:

Don't worry, mate - you and me both, and an interest in model railways is both addictive and incurable!! ;-) [Now you all know one reason for my user name.]

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