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Cycling through taste for heels

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Dear Forum: I have been away for a long time - not even lurking without logging on. Am glad to find the forum still exsits and is thriving. Knowing that it is here helps. I am at a low end of heel wearing in my life. I have been working on retreating from the fashion choice for the last year. My wife totally disapproves nowadays - changed from when we were first married. When two people love each other you will do things that do not always agree with your wishes. It has not bothered me much to get here. I do not even wear around the house when I am home alone. I have one pair of women's 2.5" heeled boots left in my wardrobe - got rid of the rest of a couple dozen pairs. I have not purchased any new heels in two years - bleak economic times being a good excuse not to spend money. However, as many have said and I know from experience, the taste for heels will not go away. It has resurfaced recently. We had a rare snow fall recently which has always been one indicator that it is boot season. Also another indicator of the durability of the taste in fashion is that I cannot bring myself to get rid of that last pair of boots though they are a tight fit due to my feet enlarging with older age. The pair I have left (greay knee high with side zip c.1985 Trotters brand) were always a favorite, fit perfect, and felt like they were made for me. I now take a women's American size 13 and there are some really attractive available. Good to see the regulars and new contributors posting and active in the heel scene.

classic style high heel boots

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Dressboots, your situation is one that a lot of men that love to wear heels are facing when ever they try to quit or put the desire out of their minds. It won't ever go away!!!!! Good luck in your continued pursuit to place high heels into your subconscious.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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