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introducing heels to the bedroom


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hi, just wondering has anyone any experience in telling your girlfriend that you want to wear high heels in the bedroom? I've wanted to share it for some time now, but cant bring myself to ask! I'm too scared, any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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yep have experience!! if your living together, me thinks it makes it a bit easier as she should know you better then if it was just visiting relationship It needs to be done with great sensitivity, and great care!! If she is shocked its quiet normal(it’s the way most people are brought up), if need be, be prepared to let it go till a latter stage Maybe explain to her that you have a fetish, and would like to act it out with her One thing that I found of great help, was this site and all the facts available here, and the confidence that I gained from reading many posts on here Like all the men that are the same as you, and that heels on your feet don’t change who you are The other big point is that men wore hills long before woman did, just like make up(not saying wear make up) It’s a fetish that we all on here share. Take it easy, find a way of easing into the topic without too much of a shock You will know best how far to take it and to push and where to back off Remember that is who you are, and there for should not be ashamed or scared of who you are, never the less, be cautious not to cause hurt to your self or others Hope this helps, keep us posted on progress Good luck :welcome::thumbsup:

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I told my SO about my thing for heels when I met her but it didn't make much of an impression on her. I didn't wear them in front of her, etc. Much later on in the relationship I was trying on some new trousers that had been altered for me and I decided to show them to her while wearing some patent leather pumps. The sight of it triggered something in her and she asked me to wear them in the bedroom, RIGHT THEN!! That brought a whole new dimension to our lovemaking.

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Thanks to all who posted reguarding this. Here's how it went... We were about to have sex lay on the bed talking about heels (she was wearing some sexy white ones at the time), and what it was about them that was so sexy. I sheepishly put it to her that i wanted to have some of the shoe wearing fun in the bedroom. Her jaw dropped and she took a deep breath, then smiled, then laughed. She told me she liked the idea. Phew! After some more discussion she left the room for the toilet. Little did she know i already had a pair of red patent 5" spike heel pumps under the bed. I put them on. She came back in and saw me, calling me 'her dirty boy' and said she found it a sexy look! We went on to have hours of the best sex ever. Now she can't get enough! Just last night she ordered with me my first pair of knee high black boots with a 6" metal heel off the internet! Thanks again too all that gave me the confidence to pop this question... :thumbsup:

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Sometimes it comes down to the right timing,- as this proved or in my case lots of slips of the tongue over a few weeks, a loose discussion going in the right direction, subject changed and returned to it outside a grocery shop. You're out of hiding now ENJOY Al

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wow........congrats...there you go what else you want?, "dirty boy" I wish one day I could do "the move" too, but I missed that stage in my relationship, now is a little bit advanced and is dificult to reveal the hobby. Have to think about a creative method, any ideas? I think bedroom is the best reason to explain the fetishism. good aproach!!!

V. Morpho

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