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Introducing my Lady


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Introducing my Lady I Love I must apologise first as I have used her name in previous posts but she has chosen the pen name as AnneV, sorry to cause confusion. Hi I feel like a spoof writer who chooses to use a pen name. I am Alan's partner and would like to announce that I now have a new man in my life. He has always been very loving and attentive over the last ten years and I love him very much but recently he seemed more content and happy and it had nothing to do with work because he still found it a frustrating workplace and I don't think I had changed but he was definitely happier. Then he told me about his interest in shoes and high heels etc. I wasn't shocked - it seems a harmless interest. We have had some giggles about it and even been out together to buy another pair of shoes and our love life has spiced up even more. He acknowledges that finding this forum and realising that his thoughts were okay and shared by others liberating. That began the first phase of his recently found contentment but once he had told me - I believe encouraged by finding this forum - a whole weight had lifted from his shoulders and I therefore have my new confident relaxed lover and friend. Beginning another decade with renewed interest has thrilled us both with enthusiasm. The icing on the cake is that we have just returned from our first holiday together as a couple without our children!! He has now asked if I can take photos of him in his shoes etc for your friendly competition -so thats the next task in hand. Hope to communicate with some of you in the near future. AnneV

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AnneV:-) Dear Lady---Let me be the first to welcome you to the HH PLace. It's so nice to have another open-minded female to help Al relax and be content with his posting to his friends here. This is a very friendly world-wide group of men and women who have one basic thought---high heels. Enjoy your posting here and we will welcome your thoughts in return. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Fantastic. I'm sure there'll be many envious men on this forum! Me included, as my heel wearing in the company of my wife is limited to nights out at rock concerts!....and that is mearly a tolerance. I'm so happy for both of you.

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Hello. Al is very lucky to have you. My wife is wonderful - but can't quite accept my love of wearing high heeled boots. However, she adores wearing them so at least I get the joy of watching her! Congratulations for having the courage to join this wonderful forum.

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Thanks Stockw confusion will pass we have our own accounts now, AnneV's is now active so she can now post in her own right. I for one thought it would be a nice way to introduce her. It does get confusing if the O/H shares the same log in and it would obviously have blocked her from the girls forum. It bad enough for the admin staff when a shared IP address pops up. Thanks everyone most appreciated Al

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Welcome AnneV, Very nice to have you join us as well Alan on this great site. Is so nice to hear about your recently fulfilled relationship, acceptance and participation is the best one can hope for in a relationship including a heeling aspect. Alan can be who he is and that I can tell you makes one happy man! Congratulations! Mtnsofheels

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